16 December 2024

#49 革 Replacement- Replace the Defects

#49 革 Replacement- Replace the Defects

革      泽火革         兑上离下

This hexagram has the Lake trigram on top of the Fire trigram. The Fire is burning away the Water in the Lake. It represents a change or more accurately a replacement. In politics, a better word is revolution or overthrow. But since I am using I-Ching for personal and business, I think replacement is a better word. It represents a new and better one replacing the obsolete or defective one. This hexagram has its trigram in the opposite order of 38睽 Deviation– Synergy of Differences.  Their meanings are very different. For details on making a transformation, see 28 大過 Excessive – Bold Transformation of Old.


  1. 己日乃孚: Trust has been obtained after an accomplishment.
  2. 元亨: Great smooth flow (meaning great progress)
  3. 利贞: Beneficial for perseverance in righteousness
  4. 悔亡: There is no case for repentance.

Textual Commentary:

彖曰:革,水火相息,二女同居,其志不相得,曰革。己日乃孚;革而信也。 文明以说,大亨以正,革而当,其悔乃亡。天地革而四时成,汤武革命,顺乎天而应乎人,革之时义大矣哉!

Revolution is like, water and fire trying to eliminate each other. The two ladies stay together but try to accomplish their different ambitions. Trust has been obtained after a revolution has been completed. Increased civilization brings forth joy. Righteousness brings forth smooth and great progress. Revolution for the right cause will not be regretted. The four seasons of Heaven and Earth are completed by one replacing another. The revolution of Thang Wu was responding to the will of Heaven and the call of the people. The times and impact of the Revolution are great. (note: Thang refers to the revolt that replaced the Xia Dynasty with the Shang Dynasty and Wu was the one who started a revolt against the last evil King of the Shang Dynasty to set up the new Zhou Dynasty).

Pictorial Commentary: 象曰:泽中有火,革;君子以治历明时

Fire in the lake represents Replacement. Wise men work out the timetables for the seasons. (They work out the tasks according to the times).

Moral Teachings:

  1. A revolution or a replacement must be done at the right time for the right cause.
  2. It needs to be done for the right reasons to have support. It is the will of Heaven and the call of the people.
  3. A replacement is to bring about greater understanding, development, and benefits for the people.
  4. After a successful replacement, there need to show integrity and gain trust.
  5. As the seasons change with time, a healthy person or a corporation needs to go through renewal.

Stage 1 Begin Nine: Bind securely with the skin of the yellow buffalo 初九:巩用黄牛之革。
The pictorial commentary explains that bound by the buffalo skin, one should not do anything yet. 象曰:巩用黄牛,不可以有为也。

The starting stage, and the main reason for the change, is that one is bound and has no freedom to do the things one thought is needed. While the present situation is unpleasant, it is not time for action yet since we are not ready yet. Stage 4 reveals the secret – committed and shared mission. Stage 5 reveals another secret of success – great knowledge and capabilities. We must work those things out first.

Stage 2 Second Six: The time for replacement has arrived. Proceeding brings good fortune. No fault. 六二:己日乃革之,征吉,无咎。
The pictorial commentary explains the time for change has come and that going forward brings endorsement. 象曰:己日革之,行有嘉也。

It is time to initiate the replacement. Take some action to make changes and monitor the progress. As is typical of change initiatives, there will be a group of people who are for the change. Find them and get support from them.

Stage 3 Third Nine: Proceeding brings disaster. Perseverance in going forward is dangerous. After three times of discussion, an agreement is reached to go forward. There is trust. 九三:征凶,贞厉,革言三就,有孚。
The pictorial commentary explains the need for discussion is due to not knowing what else to do. 象曰:革言三就,又何之矣。

We are encountering counterattacks to our actions. We must take extra care to carry on else we will end in failure and disasters. The best thing to do is to get advice and agreements. It is to take stock and renew the situation. Three is not just three times but signifies as many times as needed to gain consensus on a cause of actions that will most likely bring success.

Stage 4 Fourth Nine: There is no need for repentance. There is trust in changing the living order. Good fortune. 九四:悔亡,有孚改命,吉。
The pictorial commentary explains the fortune from a new life order is the trust in the mission. 象曰:改命之吉,信志也。

The people believed in the mission of the change. They give their support for the replacement of the old by the new order. They like the new order of things.

Stage 5 Fifth Nine: Great man changes like a tiger. Before seeking God’s will with the casting of lots, he has gained trust. 九五:大人虎变,未占有孚。
The pictorial commentary explains that a great man changes like a tiger due to his capabilities shining brightly and being widely known.  象曰:大人虎变,其文炳也。

The success of the great transformation has revealed the brilliance of the man. He gained the greater trust of the people.

Stage 6 Top Six: Wise Men change like the leopard. Little (evil) men change their faces. Proceeding brings disaster. Standing on righteousness brings good fortune. 上六:君子豹变,小人革面,征凶,居贞吉。
The pictorial commentary explains that wise men change like leopards because their knowledge is abundant. The little(evil) men change their faces (from against to support) to follow the wise king.  象曰:君子豹变,其文蔚也。 小人革面,顺以从君也。

Stage 5 speaks of the tiger changing its stripes, implying major changes. This stage speaks of leopards changing their spots, meaning smaller changes. At this stage, we are making refinements to the major transformations made in stage 5. The little evil men are smart people to know where the wind is blowing and where the new power is. They also changed to support the new management. Changes cannot go too far else they will create problems. Nevertheless, one must always keep to righteousness and integrity.


A healthy unit goes through renewal regularly. It is better to be self-initiated rather than be triggered by those outside the senior management. A replacement must have

  1. worthy mission
  2. benefits the people
  3. at the right time
  4. with the right preparation
  5. based on righteousness
  6. build trust among the people after the replacement

Wisdom from the Stage Lines:

  1. No time to replace but get ready.
  2. Starts the replacement program. Get support from key groups.
  3. Replacement obstructed. Get consensus and work out a better way before proceeding.
  4. Replacement progresses smoothly. People are committed to the new mission.
  5. Replacement accomplished major transformations and achieved the benefits promised. They appreciated the wisdom of the new leaders.
  6. Replacement continued with refinements. Stay on righteousness. Don’t go overboard. Opposition disappeared completely.
Lim Liat (c) 11/6/2010an

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