16 December 2024

#53 渐 Gradual – Steady Development


#53 渐 Gradual – Steady Development
渐 风山渐 巽上艮下

This hexagram has the Wind trigram on top of the Mountain Trigram. Wind trigram also signifies Woods. Woods growing on top of mountains means gradual progress or growing slowly but surely over time.

  1. 女归吉: young maiden marrying is good fortune
  2. 利贞: beneficial for perseverance in righteousness

Textual Commentary:

彖曰:渐之进也,女归吉也。 进得位,往有功也。进以正,可以正邦也。 其位刚,得中也。 止而巽,动不穷也。

Gradual is about progress. Young maiden marrying is good fortune. Progressing to get the right position and going forward will have success and rewards. Progressing with righteousness will be able to put the country in the right order. His position is strong, gaining the central place. Resting with agility and flexibility and there will be endless movements and activities.

Pictorial Commentary: 象曰:山上有木,渐;君子以居贤德,善俗。

There are woods on the mountain means gradual progress. A wise man develops virtues and improves cultural practices and good manners.

Moral Teachings:

  1. Progressing gradually over the stages of life is good. We may not see progress every day. But there are milestones in life that will be obvious. Such a milestone is marriage.
  2. Getting married is an important stage of life. It is good. Marriage is progress. From being cared for by parents to starting out and building our own new family is gradual progress. Some get married in their 20’s or 30’s or even 40’s. It is a long time. It is a sign that we have grown up.
  3. Irrespective of the stages we go through in life, it is always good to persevere in righteousness.
  4. Progress is about moving to occupy the right position (such as marriage and marrying the right one). From the right position, we can make further successful progress.
  5. It is about gaining a position, resting, and planning for moving to the next position. When we are ready, we move the take the next position.
  6. A long journey is completed by gradually progressing through many steps. Stopping and going without end. It may be a small step, but many small steps joined together to make for a long distance.

Stage 1 Begin Six: The wild geese are gradually landed on the shore. The young one encounters danger. There are noises. There is no fault. 初六:鸿渐于干,小子厉,有言,无咎。
The pictorial commentary explains that the danger of the young one is due to no fault of his as it was the right thing to do. 象曰:小子之厉,义无咎也。

In the description above, the young maiden is mentioned. However, in these stage lines, the goose is mentioned instead. There is no mistake. The ancient marriage customs used geese as gifts. It is believed that a goose will not take another mate after its death. The wild geese are landing on the shore showing it is the right thing to do. However, there is a danger for a young one. He may have lost his strength or broke away from the flight and exposed himself to the predators. Hence there are criticisms, advice, and panic shouts of all kinds. Eventually, all ends well. For a young man starting out in life, he will encounter much danger and noise. Some are encouraging. Some are warnings. Some are criticisms. He must know what to listen to and make his gradual progress.

Stage 2 Second Six: Geese gradually landed on large rocks. They can eat and drink happily and freely. Good fortune. 六二:鸿渐于磐,饮食衎衎,吉。
The pictorial commentary explains the foods are not freely given but they search for them. 象曰:饮食衎衎,不素饱也。

The geese are happily eating and drinking. To outsiders, success seems to come easily. But in actual fact, the geese have spent much time searching for the right ground and the right supplies of food. Success does not just land on your feet. It is through a long time of gradual progress of hard and smart work.

Stage 3 Third Nine: Geese gradually landed on inner lands.  The husband went off on a journey and did not return. The pregnant woman did not feed her baby. Disaster. It is beneficial to stop the robbers. 九三:鸿渐于陆,夫征不复,妇孕不育,凶;利御寇。
The pictorial commentary explains that the husband did not return because he left his group of friends. The woman is not able to feed her baby because she does not know how to take care of herself and loses the baby. It is beneficial to stop robbers from working and protecting one another. 象曰:夫征不复,离群丑也。 妇孕不育,失其道也。利用御寇,顺相保也。

Goose should not be in the inner land. They should be near where the water is. Some translations explain that they were shot in flight and fell down onto the earth. The reasons for the disaster are:

  1. not following the natural right way – according to one character and position.
  2. breaking away from the group and doing things his own way. Not co-operating.
  3. not following the right method due to ignorance or lack of teachability (too proud to learn).
  4. not working together with others to resist the attacking force (this could be related to point 2 and ending up being killed or captured by the robbers).

Stage 4 Fourth Six: Geese gradually landed on trees. Some landed on a flat smooth branch. No fault. 六四:鸿渐于木,或得其桷,无咎。
The pictorial commentary explains that those who landed on flat smooth branches are those that follow the flow of the wind (and is able to control its flight). 象曰:或得其桷,顺以巽也。

The key to understanding the good outcome of landing on a smooth branch is given in the pictorial commentary. It is about being teachable and following advice, rules, and trends, and being adaptable and agile like the wind.

Stage 5 Fight Nine: Geese gradually landed on the high ground/hill. The wife for three years did not become pregnant. In the end, however, she conceived and gave birth. Good fortune. 九五:鸿渐于陵,妇三岁不孕,终莫之胜,吉。
The pictorial commentary explains that eventually she got what she desired and that is good fortune. 象曰:终莫之胜,吉;得所愿也。

We will eventually get what we want if we are willing to continue on the right path and don’t give up. Three years is not a short time but it is not too long either. The high ground represents a high and challenging goal. Yet given time and steady progress, we are able to accomplish it.

Stage 6 Top Nine: Geese gradually landed on top of the mountain summit. Their feathers can be used for ornaments. Good fortune. 上九:鸿渐于逵,其羽可用为仪,吉。
The pictorial commentary explains that the feathers can be used as an ornament of good fortune. But it cannot be messed up. 象曰:其羽可用为仪,吉;不可乱也。

Some translations have 陆(land) in place of 逵 (a place that can reach everywhere). Following the sequence of share, rock, land, tree, and high ground, I think it is better to use 逵 which is at the summit to be able to see everywhere.

Our gradual and steady progress has brought us all the way to the top of the summit. We can do or go anywhere we like. We are highly respected as even our feathers are a good ornament. The key to maintaining our orderliness.


A long journey is completed by taking many small steps. We may feel the progress is slow, but by the steady progressive movement in righteousness, we will reach the final destination of great height and significance. We move from position to position. Make sure we choose the right positions. But we don’t stay put there forever but make the next move to progress. Don’t rush. Be teachable. Don’t break away from the group. Steadily, we grow and progress together.

Wisdom from the Stage Lines:

  1. Geese on shore but the young have danger. Young one needs to know who and what to follow.
  2. Geese on Rocks Eating Freely. Success comes gradually after much pursuit and work.
  3. Geese on Land – shot down. Don’t do your own thing. Work with others to accomplish shared goals.
  4. Geese on smooth branches. Be teachable, adaptable, and agile.
  5. Geese on a hill. Big goals can be achieved with steady gradual progress.
  6. Geese on the summit. We are at the very top and can do anything. Maintain your grace and stay orderly.
Lim Liat (c) 17/6/2010

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