16 December 2024

#61 中孚 Integrity – Create Right Bonding


#61 中孚 Integrity – Create Right Bonding

中孚        风泽中孚       巽上兑下

This hexagram has a Wind trigram on top of the Lake trigram. The hexagram is well-balanced with 2 broken and 4 full lines. The central two lines as soft broken lines signifying humility. The top and bottom trigram also have a strong line as the central line. The whole structure signifies Central Integrity, trustworthiness, or sincerity.


  1. 豚鱼吉: Pigs and fishes. It is good fortune.
  2. 利涉大川: It is beneficial to cross the great river.
  3. 利贞: It is beneficial for perseverance in righteousness

Textual Commentary:

彖曰:中孚,柔在内而刚得中。 说而巽,孚,乃化邦也。 豚鱼吉,信及豚鱼也。 利涉大川,乘木舟虚也。 中孚以利贞,乃应乎天也。

Integrity, soft in the interior, and strong occupies the right mid-position. Joyful spreading out like the wind, integrity is able to transform and civilize a country. Having pigs and fish as an offering is a good fortune. Integrity has touched the pigs and fish. It is beneficial to cross the great river because there are empty wooden vessels available. Integrity is beneficial for perseverance in righteousness. It follows the way of Heaven and Earth.

Pictorial Commentary: 泽上有风,中孚;君子以议狱缓死

Wind on top of the lake symbolized integrity. Wise men deliberate about offenses and punishments to delay executions.

Moral Teachings:

  1. Most translation explains that the pigs and fishes are used for offerings in their worship. They represent the offerings of common people. It reveals that the people are living quite well to able to have such food and time to worship God. This is the good fortune brought about by integrity.
  2. Integrity is a combination of soft and strong. Soft on the inside and yet strong in the middle. It will insist on the right thing to do and not give in to pressures. Yet it will not use force to get its way. It uses the soft approach, to gain acceptance and influence. It creates lasting relationships and bonds.
  3. Integrity has the power to transform the whole organization or country.
  4. Integrity works with perseverance in righteousness.
  5. Integrity also demands wisdom and judgment of right and wrong so that gives a fair hearing and prevents the wrong person from being punished by death.

Stage 1 Begin Nine: Resting in one’s position well brings good fortune. Otherwise, there will be no peace of mind. 初九:虞吉,有他不燕。
The pictorial commentary explains the fortune of rest is the intention that has not changed. 象曰:初九虞吉,志未变也。

虞 in ancient times is also a kind of ceremony to calm the gods in a time of death. The teaching is quite clear. We stay calm and be satisfied with one’s position and role. We don’t try to be something or someone we are not.

Stage 2 Second Nine: A crane calls in the shades and her young ones harmonize with her. I have good wine. I will share it with you.  九二:鸣鹤在阴,其子和之,我有好爵,吾与尔靡之。
The pictorial commentary explains the young ones responded because of their heart’s desire too.象曰:其子和之,中心愿也。

Here we have a beautiful picture of joyful living together. They are sharing their good wine and harmonizing their singing. This is the result of trust and unbroken promises – the attributes of integrity. As explained in the posting earlier, integrity should have at least two ingredients – honesty and the ability to deliver the promises made.

Stage 3 Found a match. Sometimes drum beating. Sometimes stop. Sometimes crying and sometimes singing. 六三:得敌,或鼓或罢,或泣或歌。
The pictorial commentary explains that the beating and stops are due to incorrect position.象曰:可鼓或罢,位不当也。

When we are unclear of our position or others’ position, we find it difficult to relate well to others. We change the ways we treat them.

Stage 4 fourth Six: The moon is nearly full. The horse runs away. There is no fault. 六四:月几望,马匹亡,无咎。
The pictorial commentary explains that the horse runs away because he breaks away from the team to follow the top. 象曰:马匹亡,绝类上也。

We are almost done with the big project but someone breaks away from us to go after the top. Nevertheless, we are not affected at all because of our trusting teamwork and we shall be able to continue to complete the project.

Stage 5 Fifth Nine: There is integrity and they are bound together. There is no fault. 九五:有孚挛如,无咎。
The pictorial commentary explains the binding together is due to being in the right position. 象曰:有孚挛如,位正当也。

Integrity builds close relationships. This is possible when we all know our position and roles.

Stage 6 Top Nine: The roster tries to fly to the sky. This is a true disaster. 上九:翰音登于天,贞凶。
The pictorial commentary explains that the roster flying to the sky can’t last long. 象曰:翰音登于天,何可长也。

The roster,  being offered as the sacrifice, should not over-rate itself and think it can fly high into the sky. He thinks he can do it all alone without needing others. It won’t last long and will fall to its death – truly a disaster.


  1. Integrity is built on perseverance in righteousness.
  2. It does not give in to pressure.
  3. Yet it does not force its ways. It draws people to accept him.
  4. It is powerful and is able to transform the organization, creating strong bonds and bringing benefits to all.
  5. It has the honesty to prevent misunderstanding & suspicion, the capability to deliver promises, and the wisdom to judge rightly.
  6. It is the needed foundation for accomplishing big things.

Wisdom from the Stage Lines:

  1. Integrity begins with resting on one’s position. Be ourselves.
  2. Integrity brings joy, harmony, and sharing of achieved rewards.
  3. An incorrect understanding of one’s position and role weakens integrity and paralyzes action.
  4. Integrity is able to cover some who break promises and run away. The loss of some staff  does not prevent eventual success
  5. The integrity of people relating to the right positions brings strong bonding.
  6. Integrity at the sky. True integrity is delivering according to our ability and never overpromising. Overrating oneself and going alone without others will lead to disaster.
Lim Liat (c) 26/6/2010

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