#55丰 Abundance – Build and Share It
丰 雷火丰 震上离下
This hexagram has a Thunder trigram on top of a Fire trigram. Fire from the ground to a big Thunder explosion in the sky is like Fireworks. The conventional interpretation is the interaction of Lighting (represented by the Fire trigram) and Thunder. Light is also about brilliance, understanding, clarity, and righteousness (vs darkness of evil). Thunder represents movement and accomplishments. Hence, the wisdom within and execution without will produce abundance. This hexagram means large and abundant. This hexagram comes after marriage. If the marriage is well, the family will have abundance everywhere – wealth, children, good relationships, etc. A similar hexagram of abundance is 11 泰 Great-Vibrant Flow.
- 亨: Smooth flow of progress and success.
- 王假之: The King has arrived and achieved.
- 勿忧: There is no concern or worry.
- 宜日中: He shines brightly like the mid-day sun.
Textual Commentary:
彖曰:丰,大也。 明以动,故丰。 王假之,尚大也。 勿忧宜日中,宜照天下也。日中则昃,月盈则食,天地盈虚, 与时消息,而况人於人乎?况於鬼神乎?
‘Abundance’ means great. Practices in Light and Wisdom bring abundance. The King attains it because he treasures the great (moral values). There is no worry under the bright mid-day sun. His wisdom and great work should be like the light shining forth throughout the world. After mid-day, the sun will decline. A full moon will begin to wane. Even Heaven and Earth will cycle through fullness and emptiness and wane and wax according to the seasonal pattern. How much more for men? How much more for the spirits?
Pictorial Commentary: 象曰:雷电皆至,丰;君子以折狱致刑。
Lightning and thunders come at the same time creating ‘abundance’. Wise men judge wisely and strictly apportion the punishments.
Moral Teachings:
- Abundance comes from activities based on wisdom. There are 2 phases. Firstly, the inside must have wisdom and understanding. Secondly, the outwards and subsequent execution. The execution will bring abundance.
- The brightness of light also represents righteousness vs darkness of evil. Righteous acts need not be hidden. Righteous acts should brightly shine forth bringing good outcomes and setting examples for others to follow. Let the light shine throughout the world.
- There are seasons of life. After the peak of abundance, the decline will set in. Hence, during abundance, we must prepare for the future season of lack, by accumulating and saving now.
- We need to learn and develop wisdom so that we can decide fairly and rightly. Then we must carry out the decision. Laws must be enforced through wise judgment and appropriate punishment.
Stage 1 Begin Nine: Met up with the right master. Within ten days there is no fault. Going forward is good. 初九:遇其配主,虽旬无咎,往有尚。
The pictorial commentary explains that within ten days there will be no fault. After ten days there will be a disaster. 象曰:虽旬无咎,过旬灾也。
This is the beginning of abundance. It is an opportune time for us to follow the right master who will teach us and help us to acquire abundance. Meeting up with the right master requires quick action to seal the relationship. Taking too long, later than 10 days, will miss a good opportunity. We must not take too long for action.
Stage 2 Abundance in tents. Able to see the polar star in mid-day. Going forward will encounter doubts and difficulties. With perseverance in integrity, the following is gained. This is good fortune. 六二:丰其蔀,日中见斗,往得疑疾,有孚发若,吉。
The pictorial commentary explains that integrity gains a following because sincerity triggers the mind to trust. 象曰:有孚发若,信以发志也。
The scene is that the mid-day sun is covered by an abundance of thick curtains (clouds) that one can see the polar star. It signifies that the master’s eyes are covered and has yet to trust us. Hence if we just push forward, we will encounter opposition and difficulty due to doubts. However, if we continue in sincerity and integrity, over time, our master will change his mind and will use us. That will be good fortune for us.
Stage 3 Third Nine: Abundance of additional tent covers. Small stars can be seen in mid-day. Break the right arm. There is no fault. 九三:丰其沛,日中见沫,折其右肱,无咎
The pictorial commentary explains that abundance in tentage means we cannot do great things. Break the right arm and eventually it cannot be used. 象曰:丰其沛,不可大事也。 折其右肱,终不可用也。
The cover over the Sun is even thicker now that small stars can be seen. In such darkness, our exertion will result in serious injury to our right arm and we could not be employed. There is no fault because we still preserved our character and capability. We have our breakthrough in the next stage.
Stage 4 Forth Nine: Abundance of tents. Polar stars can be seen in mid-day. Meet the different masters. This is good fortune. 九四:丰其蔀,日中见斗,遇其夷主,吉。
The pictorial commentary explains that the abundance of tent fabric covers is because of incorrect position. Seeing the stars at noon time means the sunlight is blocked. It is so dark that even the lights of small distant stars can be seen. Meeting a different master is of good fortune. It is good to go ahead. 象曰:丰其蔀,位不当也。 日中见斗,幽不明也。 遇其夷主,吉;行也。
In the midst of darkness, we meet a different Master that appreciates us. It is therefore good fortune and good to follow him.
Stage 5 Fifth Six: intelligence and capabilities come. There is cause for celebration and praise. This is good fortune. 六五:来章,有庆誉,吉。
The pictorial commentary explains that good fortune is the celebration. 象曰:六五之吉,有庆也。
The wise master has attracted people of talent to come. Productivity brings great abundance and hence calls for celebration.
Stage 6 Top Six: Abundance in the house. Cover the family. Peek into the house. There is silence and no one. For three years he meets no one. This is a disaster. 上六:上六:丰其屋,蔀其家,闚其户,阒其无人,三岁不觌,凶。
The pictorial commentary explains that the abundance of houses is like flying in the sky. Peeking into the house and seeing no one is because they have gone into hiding. 象曰:丰其屋,天际翔也。闚其户,阒其无人,自藏也。
The abundance is so much, as seen in the great house (and maybe storehouses too) that is rising to the sky. But instead of sharing the abundance, they just keep it for themselves. They went into hiding instead. This reminds me of the Rich Fool parable told by Jesus (See the Bible Luke 12:16-21). It is about a rich man having a great abundant harvest. He builds bigger barns to keep the corps for himself. He thought he would have no worries and enjoy a long good life. But he died that night. This is such an irony. We expect a rich person to be generous and yet this one gets to be more self-centered and selfish as his richness increases. Wealth not spent does not create impact and influence. Stored abundance will slowly decay to waste. Men do not live alone. Men have a social responsibility.
Abundance comes from the wisdom within and execution without. Build up the wisdom to judge wisely and to reward or punish appropriately. Promote such wise actions as examples for others to follow. Know the seasons of times and follow according. In the stage lines below, we can see a wrong kind of abundance – an abundance of cover that prevents the master to see the light and find the right people.
Wisdom from the Stage Lines:
- Abundance starts with meeting up with a wise master and taking action within 10 days to follow him.
- There is an abundance of covers(over the light) and doubts. Continuing in integrity and sincerity eventually gains trust and real abundance.
- There is an abundance of additional covers(over the light). Stay in integrity but do not start a new project else will have losses and injuries.
- There is an abundance of tents. Meeting a wise master helps us to develop and gain real abundance.
- There is an abundance of talents. Great performance achieved calls for celebration.
- Abundance in storehouses. Share it and not keep it.
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