05 March 2011

Ancient Chinese Wisdom

Table of Content:

I I-Ching - The Root of Chinese Philosophies..... Making I-Ching Alive
II Dao Jia and Lao Zi
III Ru Jia and Confucius
IV Other Chinese Classics School - Fa
V Sun Zi and Other Strategists(Gui Gu Zi)
VI The Integrated View
VII Ancient Chinese Wisdom and the Bible

I. I-Ching

Please go to the new index page I-Ching  (For a complete and in-depth learning of I-Ching, please go to my BvOtech blog or
read my book "I-Ching for Success in the VUCA World". Some postings there required subscription).
  1. I-Ching in One Minute for Abundant Life
  2. Word Cloud of I-Ching
  3. The Right Way to Consult I-Ching
  4. I-Ching Re-Classified - The Faster way to Consult
  5. Outcome Based Strategies from Ancient Chinese-The Principles from I-Ching
  6. Word Cloud of I-Ching
  7. Learning from "The Book of Change - 易经 Yi Jing" Part 01 Overview
  8. Learning from "The Book of Change - 易经 Yi Jing" Part 02 Hexagram Structure
  9. Learning from "The Book of Change - 易经 Yi Jing" Part 03 Relationships
  10. Learning from "I-Ching" Part 04 1-乾 Heaven - Creative Force
  11. Learning from "I-Ching" Part 05 2 坤 Earth - Receptive Love 
  12. Learning from I-Ching Part 06 Steps for Application 
  13. Learning from I-Ching Part 07 The S-Curve & Bell Curve 
  14. Learning from I-Ching Part 08 3 屯 Sprouting - Starting is hard 
  15. Learning from I-Ching Part 09 4 蒙 Naive - Learning 
  16. Learning from I-Ching Part 10 5 需 Needs - Wait for the Right Time
  17. Leadership Styles of I-Ching #07 师 Army and #19临 Approach
  18. Dollar Saved is Different from Dollar Earned 09小畜 Small Accumulation 
  19. Success Upon Success with I-Ching Hexagram#11泰 Vibrant Flow 
  20. How the Great Falls - Learning from i-Ching #12 否 Stagnation
  21. Advice for the Wealthy – I-Ching #14大有 Great Possession
  22. Humility is Forceful too #15 謙 Humility    
  23. Enjoyment without Regrets - I-Ching #16豫 Enjoying – Yet Prepared
  24. The Secret of Joy in Changes – I-Ching Hexagram 17隨 Following 
  25. Beauty, Youthfulness & Long Life from Ancient Chinese 22賁 Adornment & 27頤 Cheek 
  26. Check Your Assumptions - Success Secrets from I-Ching #25 无妄 Not Bizarre – Be Realistic
  27. All About Danger from i-Ching #29 坎 The Pit
  28. Relationship Building According to I-Ching 31咸 Affection and 32 恒 Lasting
  29. Retreat According to I-Ching 33 遁 Retreat 
  30. Two Types of Progressing in Life - I-Ching #46 Rise and #35 Progress
  31. Family & Trust according to I-Ching 37家人 Family 
  32. Growing with Great Difficulty - Fix it with I-Ching #39 蹇 Lame's Teaching!
  33. Less is More 41損 Decrease
  34. Must Read for the Successful 43 夬 Breakthroughs
  35. Encounter of “The End” Kind 44 姤 Encounter 
  36. 6 Types of Prisons and the Story of Great Men that Fall - Wisdom of I-Ching #47 困 Boxed-In
  37. Building Great Business with I-Ching Hexagram 48 井The Well
  38. Risk Management in Ancient Chinese Literature51震 Quake
  39. Ancient Chinese Version of Slow & Steady Win the Race 53 渐 Gradual
  40. Marriage Preparation by Ancient Chinese 54归妹Marriage
  41. Globalization to Ancient Chinese 56旅 Travel – Explore New Opportunities
  42. Bird Flu and iPad Sales are Same 59渙 Dispersion – Spreading & Its Management
  43. How Much Better You Need? Just 62小过 Little Excess – Taking Heed & Standing Out 
  44. Transiting to New S-Curve - iChing #63 Completed & #64 Uncompleted
  1. Making I-Ching Come Alive! The Key Principles & Applications
  2. 4 Basic and 5 Orientation Principles of Leadership from I-Ching
  3. Control & Management Principles according to I-Ching
  4. Relationship Building According to I-Ching
  5. Stage 1 Start-Up and The Guidelines from I-Ching
  6. Stage 2 Developing Your Business - Some Jewels from I-Ching
  7. Stage 3 Waiting for the Next Big Thing - Insights from I-Ching
  8. Stage 4 Overcome Obstacles - Some Nuggets from I-Ching
  9. Stage 5 Growth - 8 Keys for Scaling Up
  10. Stage 6 Success that Lasts - 5 Keys for Staying at the Top
  11. Stage 7 Joy of the Truly Rich - 5 Gems from I-Ching
  12. Stage 8 Preventing the Inevitable Decline - 3 Guides from I-Ching
  13. Stage 9 How to Get Out of the Pit - 5 Transformational Wisdom from I-Ching
  14. The Highest Form of Leadership - Leaderless
  15. Creating Fully Engaged & High Performance Teams and the Wisdom of I-Ching
  16. What else can Meg Whitman Do for HP? I-Ching can tell...

II. Dao Jia and Lao Zi

Please go to the new index page Loa Zi and Dao School 
  1. Ancient Chinese Bible of Grace & Truth
  2. The True Teaching of Lao Zi’s Dao De Jing in 1 Minute
  3. Strategic HR Management of Ancient Chinese
  4. Uncovering the Mystery of Dao De Jing - The Discovery of Truth C1
  5. The Power of Yin-Yang and the Teaching of Lao Zi C2
  6. The Problems and Answers for Men According to Lao Zi C3
  7. The Way is the Son said Lao Zi (DaoDeJing 4)
  8. Who is the Greatest? The Unsung Hero and Lao Zi C5
  9. The Secret of an Easy & Refreshing Life - Let Mother Nature Do the Work Lao Zi (6)
  10. The Way to Everlastingness is Selflessness - Lao Zi (7)
  11. Seven Attributes for Greatness without Fault by Lao Zi (DaoDeJing 8)
  12. Stress Comes from Resisting the Way of Dao (DaoDeJing 9)
  13. What is the Greatest Virtue? How does it look? Lao Zi tells us in DaoDeJing 10
  14. The Power of Void - Emptiness is Useful said Lao Zi in DaoDeJing 11
  15. Choose Wisely - Feed the Needs and Not the Greed says Lao Zi in DaoDeJing12
  16. Greatness is Not About Emptying but Extending says Lao Zi in DaoDeJing 13
  17. The Way(Dao) is the Invisible Power Keeping the Creation in Order says Lao Zi in DaoDeJing 14
  18. The 9 Attributes of The Way of Dao - DaoDeJing 15
  19. Be True to Your Calling says Lao Zi in DaoDeJing 16
  20. Levels of Leadership - Can We Measure Leadership? C17
  21. Moral Laws are for the Sinners says Lao Zi in DaoDeJing 18
  22.  Better Life is to Go for Simplicity & Purity says Lao Zi in DaoDeJing 19
  23. Bee Gee's 'I started a joke' resonates with Lao Zi in DaoDeJing 20
  24. The Big Bang Theory, DNA and Lao Zi's Dao in DaoDeJing 21
  25. 8 Keys for Sustainable Success by Lao Zi in Dao DeJing 22
  26. Going against the Law of Entropy to build Lastingness by LaoZi in DaoDeJing 23
  27. Genesis - The Origin & Four Greats by Lao Zi in DaoDejing 25
  28. Anchoring & Reflecting to Master Change and Stress DaoDeJing 26  
  29. How Wise Are You? Lao Zi can tell in DaoDeJing 27
  30. A Leader Holds Things in Balance and Reject Not -- DaoDeJing 28
  31. The Principles for Greatness C33
  32. Transformation by Love – Beyond Conqueror C49
  33. 5 Principles for Success in Life According to Lao Zi C63
  34. Seven Easy Steps to Great Success According to Lao Zi C64
  35. Success with Ease and Free of Stress C73
  36. The Dao of Heaven is Abundance From Giving - DaoDeJing 81

III Ru Jia and Confucius

Please go to the new index page Confucius and Ru School 
  1. Understanding The Chinese Mindset in One Minute (Based on Sang Zi Jing)
  2. The Codes of Conduct for Young People
  3. Management According to Confucius - 10 Keys
  4. Management According to Confucius 2 - 5 Good & 4 Bad
  5. Management According to Confucius 3 – Love & People Centered
  6. Understanding The Great Learning DaXue in One Minute
  7. Understanding The Doctrine of the Mean in One Minute
  8. Understanding the Bible of Filial Piety (Xiao Jing) in One Minute 
  9. Learning Innovation from Confucius - The Series 
    1. Learning Innovation from Confucius Part 1 Discover New from Old
    2. Learning Innovation from Confucius Part 2 Ideality & Diffusion
    3. Learning Innovation from Confucius Part 3 The Attitudes & Mindsets
    4. Learning Innovation from Confucius Part 4 Method 1 Observe & Discern
    5. Learning Innovation from Confucius Part 5 Method 2 Solve Contradiction
    6. Learning Innovation from Confucius Part 6 Method 3 Bipolar & Multi-uses.
    7. Learning Innovation from Confucius Part 7 Method 4 Speedy Process
    8. Learning Innovation from Confucius Part 8 Group Innovation.
    9. Learning Innovation from Confucius Part 9 Innovate without End
  10. Gentleman and Villain According to Confucius 
  11. What's Wrong with Our(Singapore) Education & How to Fix it?
  12. Confucius as the Best Coach - Personalized Teaching
  13. Behavior of Winners - Learn from Confucius
  14. Communication According to Zeng Zi
  15. How Great are You? Let Confucius Tell you.

IV Other Chinese Classics School

  1. The Legalist Fa School - Fool Proofing the Organization

V Sun Zi and Other Strategists (Gui Gu Zi)

Please go to the new index page Sun Zi's Art of War and Other Strategists 
  1. The Treasures of Sun Zi's Art of War that You Will Never Find in Books
  2. Sun Zi’s Art of War Formula – Simple yet Comprehensive
  3. SunZi Art of War - The Misquotes and Keys that are missed even by the Experts
  4. Sun Zi Art of War (Sun Tzu) in One Minute
  5. Sun Zi Art of War-2: How to Manage the Five Factors 
  6. Sun Zi Art of War-3: Health Check with 7 Measures
  7. Sun Zi Art of War-4: Appraisal & Prediction 
  8. Sun Zi Art of War-5: The Principles for Good Strategies
  9. Sun Zi Art of War-6: Leadership Skills and Creating HPO
  10. Strength is More than just Number - Sun Zi tells us how to kill giants.
  11. Art of War reveals the Greatness of Lee Kuan Yew and the Success of Singapore
  12. Durians, Singaporeans, Li Ka Shing and Sun Zi's Art of War
  13. Sun Zi's Art of War, WTA Final 2014 and Halep
  14. 12 Success Principles from Chinese 36-Strategies
  15. The Patterns of Chinese 36-Strategies
  16. Gui Gu Zi
    1. The Original Spin Doctor - Gui Gu Zi on Open & Close
    2. The Persuasive Dialogues for Being the Best Lawyer..Gui Gu Zi 2.
    3. Progress Comes from Getting Your Proposals Adopted - Gui Gu Zi C3 Shows Us How
    4. Detect & Fix It Before It Cracks Up by Gui Gu Zi C4 Overcoming Crack.
    5. Bait first and then Catch is the Better Way says Gui Gu Zi C5
    6. Strategizing and Problem Solving with the Wisdom of Gui GuZi Chapter 10 Stratagem
    7. Wise Decision Making with Gui Gu Zi Chapter 11
    8. Nine Keys to Management Excellence - Gui Gu Zi's Chapter 12 Addendum
VI The Integrated View
Please go to the new index page The Integrated View 
  1. Understanding and Answers for the Present Generation - A De Ja Vu of Ancient Chinese Period of Wei,Jing & South&North Dynasties.
  2. The Future Of Management is Ancient Chinese Classics 
    See how Ancient Chinese Classics are very relevant to the management of the future.
  3. Integrated View of the Wisdom of Chinese Classics.
  4. Learning about Learning from Ancient Chinese
  5. What Ancient Chinese Can Teach Us about Learning
  6. Strategic Planning - How To Read a Situation with Fusion of East & West
  7. Leadership is as Simple as 123 according to CEO Handbook
VII Ancient Chinese Wisdom and the Bible

Lim Liat (c) 2008-2015

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