20观 Observation – Discover & Improve
This hexagram has a Wind trigram blowing on top of the Earth trigram. It is like moving around to see what is happening on earth. The hexagram also looks like a watch tower for observing others or a landmark for others to see. The Chinese word stands for looking, seeing, or observing. Observing includes contemplation and reflection. Its purpose is to learn and apply it to our lives. Nevertheless, Observe First before you apply.
- 盥而不荐: hands washed and not offer sacrifices. (meaning: don’t be too hasty to offer sacrifices. Wash your hands and make sure all arrangements, including our hearts and attitudes (2nd phrase), are done well and then start the worship. By implication, it is about observation before recommendation).
- 有孚顒若: with sincerity and truthfulness of heart and great reverence to God.
Textual Description:
彖曰:大观在上,顺而巽,中正以观天下。 观, 盥而不荐,有孚颙若, 下观而化也。 观 天之神道, 而四时不忒, 圣人以神道设教, 而天下服矣。
The great thing to observe occurs at the top, it is gentle and moves like the wind covering all. Maintaining a central, balanced, fair, and just attitude to observe what is happening under heaven. Observation is a holy pursuit right from the start of the worship ceremony beginning with the washing, and sprinkling of wine, before the offering of sacrifices. It must be with reverence and truth.
Watching what is happening on earth, get the facts right, before the start of transforming them. Observe and learn from the ways of God, like the four seasons change without error. Wise men teach the ways of God and all under heaven are willing to obey.
Pictorial Description:
Wind blowing on the earth is Observation. The wise King scans all the territories, watches the lives of his people, and then teaches and transforms them.
Moral Teaching:
- Observation is a very sacred thing to do. We must do it with great care truthfulness and objectivity.
- Observation must be wide and in-depth. Seeing from the universe, down to the earth, and even under the earth.
- Observation concerns, not just the physical things, but also the lives of people.
- The purpose of observation is to learn the ways of God; to see how God makes the universe work and how it supports the lives within; to know how things are working and should be working.
- To observe what is happening to the lives of people.
- To apply the knowledge gained, to educate, and to transform the lives of the people for the better.
- It is learning to follow the natural laws for a long-lasting and joyful life.
- The steps are: Observe – Learn – Apply – Transform.
Stage 1 Begin Six: observe like children, the inferior little man will see no fault, but wise men will see regrets. 初六:童观,小人无咎,君子吝。
The pictorial commentary explains that children’s observation is the practice of inferior men. 象 曰:初六童观,小人道也。
How do children observe things? For most children, there is a lack of attention and focus. They see things on the surface. They look for colors and movement and anything that is interesting. Not that there is anything wrong with that. It is just not good enough. Children observe with curiosity and purity. However, adults see things with prejudices and motives. With inadequate and subjective scanning type of observation, the truth of the situation will not be correctly perceived, and the conclusions drawn will be erroneous leading to bad decision-making. Much misunderstanding is caused by bad observation and defective reasoning.
Stage 2 Second Six: observing by peeping (from the door slit). For a lady that is alright. 窥观,利女贞。
Pictorial Commentary further adds that such action can be ugly (for man). 象曰:窥观女贞,亦可丑也。
In Chinese ancient Chinese culture, ladies are not to be seen too openly. When guests come to the house, the ladies are to hide. They can only see things from behind the door slits. Such peeping action however is not right for a man.
Observation by peeping has three problems. Firstly, it is a narrow point of view. Secondly, there is the pressure of time. Thirdly, there is the stress of being discovered and so the attention is divided – one eye on what is happening and one eye on who is coming. It is best to bring a video recorder and other instruments along to capture first and analyze later.
Stage 3 Third Six: Observe my own life and decide whether to move forward or backward. 六三:观我生,进退。
The pictorial commentary adds that the reflection on our lives is to ensure we don’t lose our ways – not depart from the right moral way. 六三:观我生,进退。
The main purpose of observing is to learn. The purpose of learning is to apply to our lives. While we are observing, we can be objective. However, when we have learned, we will be faced with the decision to apply it. The outcome of our life is the accumulated choices we made in our learning. Our learning or our decision-making could be wrong and that leads us to the wrong outcome. We need to observe and reflect on our lives and learn from there. We have moved from seeing external things to seeing our own lives.
Stage 4 Fourth Six: Observe the happenings in the country, it is good to have wise men as guests to the King. 六四:观国之光,利用宾于王。
Pictorial Commentary further adds the well-being of a country calls for respecting the wise guests. 象曰:观国之光,尚宾也。
From personal affairs, we move the affairs of the nation. For business, it is from individuals to corporations. The first 3 lines represent an initial success. The top 3 lines represent a further greater success. Now that we are promoted to a higher level, our perspective must change from individual to group at large.
A corporation or a nation is made up of people and people together in a group. People together are different from people as individuals. The group effects, for good or for worse, need to be observed, studied, and managed. It is a very complex issue. Selection, development, and employment of talents are stressed here. Ancient Chinese culture goes for leadership by the wise rather than leadership by the majority.
Stage 5 Fifth Nine: Observe my own life, wise men have no regrets. 观我生,君子无咎。
The pictorial commentary adds that observing my life is about observing my people. 象曰:观我生,观民也。
Stage line 5 also represents the position of a King (we explained in the earlier posting). The King’s life is more than just his own life. It represents the lives of its nation and people. The scope of observation and review, therefore, includes all the people.
Stage 6 Top Nine: Observe others’ lives (of other nations, globally), wise men have no regrets. 观其生,君子无咎
The pictorial commentary adds that your ambition has yet to be fulfilled. 象曰:观其生,志未平也
The work of wise and good leaders never ends. They should continue to increase their learning and expand the scope of their perspective so as to bring greater good to mankind.
Observation includes the Scientific Method for acquiring knowledge. The scope is much wider than the usual physical science. It includes social science and all things related to human beings, as individuals and in groups. It is a sacred activity for discovering the truth. We must be objective, wide, and depth in scope, for physical and human, understanding of the ways of the universe and nature. The process is:
- observe -> learn -> apply to transform -> reflect and improve for
things -> myself -> country men -> all others
The six stage lines give the additional teachings:
- Observe far and wide with curiosity like children and in-depth, looking below the surface like an adult.
- Observe carefully – don’t peep; don’t be too narrow and too quick.
- Observe your own life – make wise decisions
- As leaders, observe your nation and corporation – get wise men to help.
- As leaders, observe the lives of your own and others with you(family, corporation, country) and see you have no regrets
- As leaders, observe other lives (global) and expand your scope.
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