47困 Boxed-In – Rejoice in Difficulty & Break Free
困 泽水困 兑上坎下
This hexagram has the Lakes trigram on top of the Water trigram. It shows the water in the Lake flows out from the bottom resulting in a dried lake symbolizing being trapped in a difficult situation. I used the word "Boxed-In". The Chinese word 困 shows a box or a house with woods or trees growing inside. It means trapped, difficulty, or poverty (lack of resources). The Lakes trigram represents joy. In difficulty, there is joy. We shall see how this joy comes about.
- 亨: Smooth flow.
- 贞: Perseverance in righteousness (purity)
- 大人吉: Blessing and fortune for great men.
- 无咎: No fault.
- 有言不信: Don’t believe in the sayings of people.
Textual Commentary:
彖曰:困,刚掩也。 险以说,困而不失其所,亨;其唯君子乎? 贞大人吉,以刚中也。 有言不信,尚口乃穷也。
‘Boxed-in’ is about the strong being covered and squeezed up. Having joy in the midst of danger. Boxed-in and yet does not lose one’s ambition and character. Hence, it is smooth-flowing. Who can do this? Only the wise can. Great men with perseverance in righteousness will get blessings and fortune. They are strong principles-centered. There are sayings but no believing. This is because no good(encouraging, positive) words are spoken.
Pictorial Commentary: 象曰:泽无水,困;君子以致命遂志。
A lake without water brings forth difficulty and entrapment. Wise men are willing to die for their beliefs and missions.
Moral Teachings:
- Have no fear of adverse circumstances. Only the fearful little people are truly boxed-in. Difficulties bring out the strength in the great people. Difficulty does not stop the progress of the great people. They are not boxed in by threatening external situations.
- In adverse circumstances, there will be many complaints and discouraging messages being propagated. Don’t believe in negative and discouraging rumors and words. Maintain your positive and winning mindset.
- Great people have joy in the midst of danger. They could smile at the storm and crisis because they know they will overcome them and come out stronger.
- The way to overcome adverse circumstances is to stay principles-centered. Stick to righteousness. Do not take any morally compromising shortcuts.
- Great men are willing to die for their cause. e.g. Gandhi of India, Martin Luther King Jr. of the US black freedom movement. Jesus Christ and his disciples like Peter, and Paul of the Bible.
Stage 1 Begin Six: Boxed in and sit on the stomp of the tree. Enter into a dark valley. For three years did not see (the sun, or other people). 初六:臀困于株木,入于幽谷,三岁不见。
The pictorial commentary explains that entering a dark valley shows a lack of light. 象曰:入于幽谷,幽不明也。
When crises or adverse circumstances happen, we are at first at a loss. We find ourselves entering a dark valley with no light. We don’t know what to do. Unless we gain wisdom or help, we will be trapped there for a long long time. During such time, we need to stay calm and reflect on the situation. We must get help if possible. Panic and giving up are not the right solutions.
Stage 2 Second Nine: Trapped in wines and foods. The people of power with red sash just arrived. Beneficial to have them join for worship. Going forward to conquer brings disaster. There is no fault. 九二:困于酒食,朱绂方来,利用亨祀,征凶,无咎。
The pictorial commentary explains that the wine and food come because of celebration in the midst. 象曰:困于酒食,中有庆也。
Wines and foods could trap us in a life of pleasure and not doing anything useful. There are people with the power to join us. The teaching tells us to have them join us in our sacrifice to God. It is important to recognize that the wealth and power we have comes from God and we must be thankful. We must use them to bless others rather than just spend them on ourselves. Otherwise, going forward will bring danger. But giving thanks and celebrating with all will be no fault.
Stage 3 Third Six: Trapped in the midst of stones. Holding on to the thorns and thistles. Enter his house but could not find his wife. Disaster. 六三:困于石,据于蒺藜,入于其宫,不见其妻,凶。
The pictorial commentary explains that one uses his strength to hold on to the thorns. Entering the home and could not find a wife means unfortunate. 象曰:据于蒺藜,乘刚也。 入于其宫,不见其妻,不祥也。
This is an extremely bad situation. We are trapped in the midst of hard stones that stop us from moving forward. Yet staying put will be like resting painfully on thorns. We also could not find comfort and support from our wives. Who can help us out of this disaster? As Christians, it is high time we scream for help from God. We should not lose heart but stay close to God. Trusting Him to save us miraculously or send his men to help us out.
Stage 4 Fourth Nine: The coming is slow and gentle. Boxed in a gold carriage. There is blame. There is an ending. 九四:来徐徐,困于金车,吝,有终。
The pictorial commentary explains that the coming is slow due to lower ambition. Even though the position is wrong, there is some association that gives help. 象曰:来徐徐,志在下也。 虽不当位,有与也。
Riches and wealth are strong forces that could trap us. It traps us slowly and gently. Before long, we will have remorse. Unless one has a strong and high ambition, it is difficult to break free.
Stage 5 Fifth Nine: Punished with the nose and feet cut off. Trapped in the midst of people with power. However, joy comes slowly. It is beneficial to use in worship. 九五:劓刖,困于赤绂,乃徐有说,利用祭祀。
The pictorial commentary explains that losing one nose and feet is showing us that we did not achieve our ambitions. The joy comes from being straightforward from the center. Worshiping will bring blessings. 象曰:劓刖,志未得也。乃徐有说,以中直也。利用祭祀,受福也。
The nose and feet signify the top and bottom. We don’t get support from the top or the bottom to accomplish our goals. We are trapped in a power play. The way out is to persevere in righteousness. Be straightforward and fair rather than joining in the political play. Then the joy will come slowly. It is important to worship God and rely on God rather than to put our trust in men to save us. They will play us out.
Stage 6 Top Six: Trapped in creep vines. Filled with anxiety. Saying and moved with repentance. Repent and change. Going forward to accomplish bring fortune. 上六:困于葛藟,于臲卼,曰动悔。有悔,征吉。
The pictorial commentary explains that being trapped in the vines is due to wrong positioning. Moved with repentance and change bring fortune. Go ahead. 象曰:困于葛藟,未当也。动悔,有悔吉,行也。
We are trapped by the creeping vines. It shows that we have been making many wrong decisions and sinking deeper and deeper into trouble. We are uncertain about what we need to do. We are filled with anxieties and worries. Any of our wrongdoing may just blow up. There is only one way out. Admit our faults and repent. We must make a clean U-turn. Go in the right direction and make restitution as much as we can. It will bring success and fortune.
Rejoice in adverse circumstances. Don’t believe in negative and discouraging messages. Maintain a positive attitude. They are designed to strengthen you. You can come out stronger. Great men are willing to die for their causes. After you have break free, we need to study I-Ching Part 43 40解 Freed – Get and Stay Free with Decisive Actions.
Wisdom from the Stage Lines:
- Boxed in darkness. Stay calm. Get help. Get wisdom. Reflect and find a way out.
- Boxed in pleasures. Wake-up. Be thankful and share your wealth.
- Boxed in stones and thorns. No help even from the wife. Pray and trust God.
- Boxed in riches. Break free quickly. Slowness will bring blame.
- Boxed in political power play. Stay righteous and trust God not men.
- Boxed in an entangled mess of anxiety. Repentance and change bring fortune.
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