无妄 Not Bizarre – Be Realistic & Follow the Principles
This hexagram has the Heaven trigram on top of the Thunder trigram. The words mean not bizarre which means following the natural order or principles and not breaking or deviating from them. The 2nd Chinese word 妄, which is made up of the word loss and the word girl stands for slave girl running away from her master. The meaning of 妄 is wild imagination or fantasies. It also means highly improper or outrageous conduct.
- 元亨利贞: the beginning is smooth and is beneficial for integrity and righteousness
- 其匪正有眚,不利有攸往: not following the principles will result in calamity, and is no good to proceed.
Textual Commentary:
彖曰:无妄,刚自外来,而为主於内。动而健,刚中而应,大亨以正,天之命也。 其匪正有眚,不利有攸往。无妄之往,何之矣? 天命不 佑,行矣哉?
Not bizarre. Strength comes from the external and is absorbed into the inner part taking the central position. The movement is strong and strengths come from within. Following the principles of heaven and holding them centrally will result in great and smooth progress. Deviations from the centrality of principles will cause calamity and hence should not proceed. Why do you want to follow a bizarre plan? There will be no protection from Heaven and why do you want to proceed?
Pictorial Commentary:
The movement follows the order of Heaven. All things follow the natural order. The ancient Kings followed the ways and seasons of Heaven and brought forth bountiful growth and feeding of lives.
Moral Teachings:
- Following the ways and seasons of heaven will bring forth great success. Breaking them will bring disasters.
- There are two main things to follow. Firstly the principles and secondly the seasons or timing of Heaven and nature. The implied teaching is that we observe the seasons and be realistic in our expectations so that we can do the right thing at the right time and for the future too.
- We used to think we could conquer nature or break the laws of nature. Breaking the laws may give us short-term success but long-term consequences will be terrible. For a short time, we exploited the natural environment for great economic progress. We now realize that we are polluting the environment and creating great damage that may not be recoverable. The natural environment punishes us with unpredictable extreme weather situations that create many disasters.
- What applies to the environment also applies to our living and relationships with other people. The principles of Heaven show us how we should relate to one another. Integrity, righteousness, fairness, mutual respect, and caring for one another for a harmonious society.
Stage 1 Being Nine: Not bizarre conduct. Following the principles closely brings forth blessings. 初九:无妄,往吉。
The pictorial commentary explains that the move is to fulfill one’s ambition. 象曰:无妄之往,得志也。
Be practical and realistic in our expectations. There are principles of life and nature that we must follow if we want success. It is good that we have the ambition to do great things. But we must follow the principles laid down by Heaven. Whatever new business that we want to start, begin on the right path by following the principles of integrity and righteousness. It does not mean that we can’t have high aspirations. It is just that we need to achieve our high aspirations with practical steps and in due time. It tells us not to be 好高骛远 – building the castle in the air.
Stage 2 Second Six: Not counting on the harvests and being negligent in plowing. Not wanting a cleared and fertile field without taking and giving time to clear it first. Progressing one step at a time will bring forth success. 六二:不耕获,不灾畲,则利有攸往?
The pictorial commentary explains that because we are not rich yet, we don’t get harvests without our plowing. A stronger interpretation is the reason one is not rich is because of wild expectations that one can harvest without planting. 象曰:不耕获,未富也。
There is no quick short-cut in life even though we may be tempted to take them. Great and successful businesses are built with effort and time. Taking shortcuts may eventually lead us to backtrack later and take even longer time. Be determined at the start to work smart and hard, following the principles of life.
Stage 3 Third Six: Misfortune happened without our intentions. This is like an outsider passer-by taking away a cow and causing loss to the villagers (and even some to be accused of stealing). 六三:无妄之灾,或系之牛,行人之得,邑人之灾。
The pictorial commentary explains that an outsider gains a cow and villagers have misfortune. 象曰:行人得牛,邑人灾也。
Despite our carefulness in adhering to the principles of life, accidents and disasters, events beyond our control do happen. We can minimize the harm when we not just care for ourselves but also care about others. We should keep watch for our neighbors and help them with their needs. We should not be too quick in making judgments and blaming others.
Stage 4 Forth Nine: Persevere in integrity. There is no blame. 九四:可贞,无咎。
The pictorial commentary adds that integrity perseveres. 象曰:可贞无咎,固有之也。
Stay true and persevere in integrity and righteousness. Don’t let any misfortune cause you to give up. Time will reveal the truth. Sowing and reaping is the law of nature. We will harvest what we sow, whether good or bad. So don’t give up on doing the right thing and you will surely reap the rewards. There will be no regret and no blame for your persistent good work.
Stage 5 Fifth Nine: Misfortune comes in the form of sickness. There is much joy when healing comes without taking any medicines. 九五:无妄之疾,勿药有喜。
Pictorial commentary advises not to take medicines for sicknesses that you know not. 象曰:无妄之药,不可试也。
A misfortune that is not caused by us will go away – healing comes naturally. We should not take action to correct any fault not caused by us. Overcorrection by us will cause us to fail! Trust that things will work out well if we are not a party to the misfortune.
Stage 6 Top Nine: Bizarre action will bring forth calamity. Don’t do it. 上九:无妄,行有眚,无攸利。
The pictorial commentary explains that such bizarre thoughtless action takes place because one is at one’s wits’ ends. 象曰:无妄之行,穷之灾也。
Don’t be forced into taking thoughtless and bizarre actions. Stay calm and make wise decisions. Don’t act in panic. Take your time. The greater the pressure, the greater the need to be calm and think wisely.
We must follow the principles and seasons of the working of Heaven and Earth in our relationship with others and with nature. We must be watchful, practical, and realistic. Breaking the principles will bring forth calamity. Don’t be fooled by short-term success. We will eventually have to pay back and in a much greater amount. Even if a misfortune happens, we should not move away from sticking to the basic principles.
The stage lines teach us additional wisdom:
- Get started by following the principles of life. Be realistic and practical. Don’t be bizarre and not building a castle in the air.
- It does not mean that we can’t have high aspirations. It is just that we need to achieve our high aspirations with practical steps and in due time.
- No shortcut. Consistent ‘Step by Step’ to success.
- Misfortunes beyond our control happen. Don’t be too quick to judge and blame. Stick to the foundational principles.
- Continue the good work. Don’t quit.
- Misfortune not caused by us will pass. Don’t overreact. The strong foundation will bring you through.
- Reach the plateau and don’t know what’s next. Don’t take bizarre action. Stick to the foundation that brings you success and act wisely.
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