24 February 2022

Mindset Change for the New World - Learning from the 2022 Winter Olympics Viewership

The story in mindmap format:

The Texts:
  • Introduction
    • Digital technology and social media network is changing the ways we live, do business, and do politics. We need to change or update our mindsets so as to understand the reality in the midst of increasing divides and propaganda. We can learn from the reports on the 2022 Winter Olympics viewership.

  • Major Media:
    • https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory/nbcs-scores-record-low-olympics-ratings-83071242
    • 11.4 million viewers per night on average...19.8 million for the Pyeongchang Games in 2018

      See the mindmap for other media reports on the worst Olympics viewership.

  • Unlike in the past, Media are now more interested in influencing your minds than reporting on facts and reality. Partial facts are used to support their opinions.

  • The Real Story

    We wisdom to put on the scientist mindset to gather more facts and validate our hypothesis

    • https://slate.com/culture/2022/02/winter-olympics-tv-ratings-youtube-social-media-viewership-huge.html

      • *That’s completely inaccurate....it’s possible that the 2022 Olympics will be one of the most-watched events in U.S. history. It’s just that we’re watching on our phones and in our browsers
      • ... YouTube, Tik Tok (with which NBC signed an exclusive marketing deal before the Games began),...simply repurposed broadcast videos, ... social media’s video recycling only adds to NBC’s profitability. Those social media views will continue accruing for weeks, months, and years
      • .
  • The Trends

    Declining & Rising?

    • https://www.marketwatch.com/story/winter-olympics-ratings-are-dismal-for-nbc-but-thats-not-a-surprise-01644380337

      • But even though the numbers look bleak... The primetime coverage remains the most-watched event on network television and won all four nights significantly. And when comparing 2018 to 2022, none of the shows popular four years ago that are still on the air have larger audiences.
      • Another example of how many TV ratings have cratered is the Oscars. The awards show averaged 43.7 million viewers in 2014, dropped to 23.6 million four years later, and averaged only 10.6 million last year.

  • Lessons Learned

    • Need new measures & discovering of scopes for new world situations

      From the live view on TV sets to Phone and Browser of Social Network, Abstracted-Stored-Viewed for a long time

    • Need to Compare with others on the same platform - not on standalone numbers.

    • Spot the trends - What is declining and What is Rising

      Downward on TV and Upwards in social network media on phone, tablets, laptops

Lim Liat (c) 24-2-2022