16 December 2024

#32 恒 Lasting – Permanence

32 恒 Lasting – Permanence

恒  雷风恒  震上巽下

This hexagram is made up of the Thunder trigram on top of the Wind trigram. Thunder in the sky and wind on earth give rise to permanence or long-lasting. The word 恒 is made up of heart, one, and day(the morning day) representing always like the first day or same day or unchanging over time.


  1. 亨: smooth flow
  2. 无咎: no fault
  3. 利贞: beneficial for perseverance in righteousness
  4. 利有攸往: beneficial for starting a new project

Textual Commentary:

彖曰:恒,久也。 刚上而柔下,雷风相与,巽而动,刚柔皆应,恒。 恒亨无咎,利贞; 久於其道也,天地之道,恒久而不已也。 利有攸往,终则有始也。日月得天,而能久照,四时变化,而能久成,圣人久於其道,而天下化成;观其所恒,而天地万物之情可见矣!

The hexagram means long-lasting. Hardness on top and softness below, thunder and wind meeting each other, wind causing motion, hard and soft complementing each other making permanence or long-lasting or eternal. Permanence is smooth-flowing, with no blame, and beneficial for perseverance in righteousness. It follows the way all the time. The way of Heaven and Earth is permanent in working and not stopping. It is good to start a new project (literally to make a move), a good ending comes from a beginning. The sun and moon occupy the sky and shine for a long long time. The cycle of four seasons comes from being permanent. Wise men persevere in following the Way that can transform the world. Observing the unchanging way of the creations in Heaven and Earth and then we can learn the heart and soul of the creation (or the heart of the Creator behind the creations).

Pictorial Commentary: 象曰:雷风,恒;君子以立不易方。

Thunder and Wind make up Permanence. Wise men make their stand (on their principles) and don’t change direction.

Moral Teaching:

  1. Don’t just start a good thing and then give up easily, make it long-lasting and permanent.
  2. The previous hexagram 31 咸 affection is a good start. People then think that affection or emotional things are on impulse and do not last. This hexagram stresses the need for making it permanent. Don’t just build an affectionate relationship (e.g. husband and wife) but make the affectionate and intimate relationship last forever.
  3. Stand on your principles and don’t waver. Always stick to your principles, beliefs, and values. Only then, can you influence others?
  4. A good start, with perseverance, will bring a good ending.
  5. Even before you start, you must already want to make it a lasting success.

Stage 1 Being Six: Digging deep to create permanence is definitely an inviting disaster. There are no benefits whatsoever. 初六:浚恒,贞凶,无攸利。

The pictorial commentary explains that the danger comes from wanting to have great depth at the beginning. 象曰:浚恒之凶,始求深也。

Lasting enterprises and things are not built in a day. It is through the long-term accumulation of small steps of improvement. Wanting to accomplish too much in too short a time only brings disaster. We must do things one step at a time. We have the famous saying “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a step”. But it is also made up many many continued steps after steps. We have in Hexagram 3 屯 Sprouting – Starting is hard about the difficulty of starting. However, success only comes when we persevere after starting to come to the end. Start according to capability and move one step at a time. We can give big vision and big goals.  But we need to break them down into smaller steps and continue step by step.

Stage 2 Second Nine: There are no regrets. 九二:悔亡。

The pictorial commentary explains that without regrets, one can continue to stand for his righteous principles at his center. 象曰:九二悔亡,能久中也。

To continue to stand and pursue our vision, we must be very clear about what we value and stand for. There should be no regrets even in the face of opposition and persecution. A clear conscience and a righteous cause make us bold. Bible Proverb 28:1 “The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion. “

Stage 3 Third Nine: Not continuing in the right moral character, and suffering disgrace. This is true remorse. 九三:不恒其德,或承之羞,贞吝。

The pictorial commentary explains that not staying in a moral way brings about nowhere to hide oneself.  象曰:不恒其德,无所容也。

Due to pressure or overconfidence as a result of success, we can sometimes lose sight of what is the right thing to do. Once we forgo what is right, we will bring about shame and humiliation. No matter what, stay with righteous ways. No for benefits nor yield to pressure, we continue in the right ways.

Stage 4 Fourth Nine: There are no animals in the fields. 九四:田无禽。

The pictorial commentary explains that changing places too often, and not staying long enough at one place, results in not being able to meet up with any catch. 象曰:久非其位,安得禽也。

Without patience, we move here and there hoping to have a big catch, and end up with nothing. Be patient, observe, reflect, and innovate but don’t move away to miss the opportunity. Refer to 5 需 Needs – Wait for the Right Time to learn how to wait.

Stage 5 Fifth Six: Persevere in the moral character. It is pure. Benefits woman. The danger for man. 六五:恒其德,贞,妇人吉,夫子凶。

The pictorial commentary explains that a woman benefited from following one husband all her life. Man must stick to righteousness and not just follow his wife. Just following his wife instead of righteousness will lead to danger or misfortune. 象曰:妇人贞吉,从一而终也。 夫子制义,从妇凶也。

In order to please people, especially our spouse, we sometimes break the righteous ways, and that will bring misfortune to us. Don’t be a man or woman pleaser, stay on to righteousness.

Stage 6 Top Six: Vibrating in permanence brings disaster. 上六:振恒,凶。

The pictorial commentary explains vibrating at the top will bring no benefits. 象曰:振恒在上,大无功也。

The top should set the example. The Chinese have a saying that the top not being straight will result in the bottom being crooked. (上梁不正下梁歪). Permanence cannot exist when the bosses are not righteous.


Don’t just start new relationships and new projects, make them long-lasting and permanent. It is in making lasting things that we can influence and impact the world. Stay the course, stand on your principles and you will make a difference in the world.

Wisdom from the Stage Lines:

  1. Break big vision into smaller steps. Move step by step.
  2. Be clear of your mission and values, then boldly continue.
  3. Don’t yield to pressure or temptations, stay on the right way.
  4. Be patient, stay put, and wait for the opportunity.
  5. Don’t be a man or woman pleaser, stay on to righteousness.
  6. Build permanence in righteous behavior from the top.
Lim Liat (c) 5/5/2010

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