30 December 2023

A poem for Life reflection on New Year's Eve

 《庐山烟雨》--- 苏轼临终之前写下的最后一首诗:

"Lu Mountain Mist and Rain" — The last poem written by Su Shi (Su Dongpo) before his death:
Lu Mountain's mist and rain, Zhejiang's tide,
Countless regrets remain unfulfilled if I did not go there.
But when I reach there, there seems to be nothing much to bring back.
There remain, Lu Mountain's mist and rain, Zhejiang's tide.
The good life that we so desire, when we don't have them, we strive to get them. But once we had it, it was just nothing much.
So, the things we so desire now, can we look at with a long-term perspective?
3 years, 5 years, 10 years from now, will we so value it?

Are they truly the important things when we look at them at the end of our lives?

What are the legacies that we want to leave behind?

A complementary poem (quoting the last paragraph):

《青玉案·元夕》--- 是宋代词人辛弃疾

"Green Jade Table · Lantern Festival - New Year 15th Day Night" — by the Song Dynasty poet Xin Qiji: 

Search for him/her among the people for thousands of times.

Suddenly, when I turned my head, and she was there in the midst of flickering & deeming lights. Maybe the things or people that we need most are not so far away, but rather, just in our midst, in the flickering lights, that we need to pay more attention to seek them out. Are we neglecting the things and people so near us that we pay no attention to them?

May we reflect on our lives when we decide on our New Year resolutions for 2024

Lim Liat (c) 30 Dec 2023

13 December 2023

Confucius' Tien 天 and God

To know the meaning of Tian/Heaven of Confucius, we need to study his words. From the Analects, we can find many quotes that Confucius mentioned Tian, below are a few of them….

1 子曰:「不然,獲罪於天,無所禱也。」

Confucius said, “No so. He that sins against Tian/Heaven, there is nothing to pray for.”

So we can see that Tian is something that you can sin against and Tian will judge and punish the violators. Tian has moral standards for right or wrong and Tian will judge and punish.

2 夫子矢之曰:「予所否者,天厭之!天厭之!」

Confucius said with conviction,” If I have done anything wrong, let Tian hate me. Let Tian hate me!”

This shows Confucius is calling upon the righteous Judge Tian to vindicate him.

3 子畏于匡。曰:“文王既没,文不在兹乎?天之将丧斯文也,后死者不得与于斯文也;天之未丧斯文也,匡人其如予何?”

Confucius was trapped in a place called 匡。 He said, “After King Wen died. Was not I the one who propagates the cultural heritage ?” If Tian wanted to terminate the cultural heritage, then I would not have such cultural heritage. Hence, I know Tian does not want to terminate the heritage, and so what can the people do to me?”

So we can see Confucius believes in the Purpose of Tian for his life. The purpose of the will of heaven for each and everyone is a key concept of Confucius's teaching.


When 15, I aspire to learn, and by 30 I can be independent and successful, by 40 I am not confused by choices opened, by 50 I know Tian's will, and by 60 I can understand others' hearts from what they say. At 70, I can follow my heart and violate not any rule (i.e. the rules are internalized and acted out naturally)

4 子曰:「不怨天,不尤人;下學而上達。知我者其天乎!」

Confucius said, “Don’t blame Tian, and Don’t blame people. Learn humbly and achieve understanding and success. The one that knows me well is only Tian!”

5 论语-陽貨子曰:「天何言哉?四時行焉,百物生焉,天何言哉?」

陽貨: 子曰:「予欲無言。」子貢曰:「子如不言,則小子何述焉?」子曰:「天何言哉?四時行焉,百物生焉,天何言哉?」


Confucius said, “Does Tian speak? The seasons come and go, all things live and grow, does Tian speak?”

So, what do you think Tian is?

I must say the closest English word and concept for Tian is God.

And Confucius’ God has the following attributes:

A God that judges and punishes.

A God that has a moral standard of right and wrong. Sin is a violation of His laws.

A God that has a calling, or a purpose for everyone’s life. ie. everyone was created with a purpose in life.

A God that understands the people.

A God that reveals Himself through the creation. The nature of God can be seen in the nature that He created.

So we know Confucius’ Tian is very close to the God of the Bible - A Creator with a heart for the people whom He created. He gave them purpose and care for them. He gave them a moral standard for living and living well with one another. It is then not surprising that the teachings of Confucius, of Lao Zi, and the Root source I-Ching are actually very Biblical!

11 December 2023

A Word of Wisdom for this Digital AI-Assisted World

A word for your life and for this present digital world of exponential change?

ZaoBao 10 words for 2023 are:
These 10 Chinese characters are: 诈 (deceit), 战 (war), 难 (difficulty), 智 (wisdom), 热 (heat), 丑 (ugly), 百 (hundred), 冲 (rush), 洗 (wash), 裂 (split). They reflect various aspects of the characteristics of the year 2023.
For me, the word that will last the time, especially as we go forth in this exponential world, will be 忙 - busyness, hurrying, just do - no time to think!
The Chinese word for hurrying and busyness is 忙。 It is made up of heart and death. Hurrying is the death of the heart to think and take charge. My teacher in secondary school gave me a word of wisdom - 忙吗? 那就要慢。 When you are very busy, then you need to slow down. 慢 - slow; is made up of heart and 曼 which means long and beautiful. Slowing down is to stretch the time and keep things beautiful.
Pause and enjoy the beauty of nature, people's relationships, food, etc. When we are at rest, then we can think and reflect, and then we can find the resolution to all the busyness that we are caught in.
知止而后有定,定而后能静,静而后能安,安而后能虑,虑而后能得 ---《礼记·大学》
"Recognize the endpoint(destination, vision), and then there will be stability( don't run here and there and pursue this or that). Attain stability, and then there can be tranquility. Achieve tranquility, and then there can be peace. Attain peace, and then there can be contemplation (figure out how to achieve the vision). Contemplate, and then there can be accomplishment. ( follow your plan to achieve the visions"

Lim Liat (c) 11-12-2023

20 November 2023

Strong Nation, Great Man, Wise Wife, and True Love

From my blog reproduced here https://bvotech.com/blog/strong-nation-great-man-wise-wife-and-true-love/ with some corrections..."Strong Nation, Great Man, Wise Wife, and True Love".

Reflection on the Passing of Our Founding Father Lee Kuan Yew

I think the best tribute to show our appreciation and respect for our founding father is to follow his example, and continue to build and grow upon this foundation that he has laid for us. Here are a few key things that I can learn and do —- pursue wisdom and righteousness, be bold to do them and stick to them, willing to take advice and be corrected especially to share and listen to your wife and love your wife truly.

During this period of mourning for our nation's founding father Lee Kuan Yew, every one of us, in our own, even little, ways wish to express our appreciation and respect for the man who has impacted our lives much.  There was this artist Ong Yi Tech who painted a portrait of Lee Kuan Yew by writing his name! See Lee Kuan Yew is a ‘legend’: Man behind the viral portrait.  Since my interests are in Chinese Philosophies and their applications in modern management (see Ancient Chinese Wisdom), I shall show my respect and appreciation from such a viewpoint.

The Life of a Great Man is much Longer than his Age
Lao Zi’s DaoDeJing Chapter 33 verse 4 has a saying: (for more see The Principles for Greatness)

  • Not losing oneself will last. 不失其所者久,
  • Died and yet one’s legacy continues is long life. 死而不亡者寿。

While our founding father may have passed away, his legacies and his influence will continue on through many generations after. He will always be remembered as the founding father of Singapore. He and his team will always be cited as examples for all to follow. Legacies come from sticking to one’s values and mission. Despite the difficulties, and the risks, and against all odds, under his leadership, Singapore succeeded. There are many great things that he did and many people will write about that. One particular and vital key to his success was the support of his extremely wise and talented wife and their true love for each other. See The Lee Kuan Yew And Kwa Geok Choo Love Story … The post has the title “Behind every successful man there stands a woman“.

While not many will be as wise and great as Mr. Lee, there are simple lessons that we can learn from him and apply to our own lives and make whatever small contributions that we can. Chinese has a proverb “勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。 –《三国志·蜀书·先主传》”
Do not do something because the harm/evil is small nor
fail to do something because the benefits are little.

There are four lessons for us:

  1. pursue wisdom and stick to righteous values.
  2. be bold to execute and realize one’s dreams despite the challenges.
  3. be ever ready to seek and listen to advice, especially one’s wife.
  4. love one’s wife truly.
In my study of China's history, one particular emperor and his wife had a similar story to tell. It confirms the applicability of the above lessons. It is the story of Emperor Tang TaiZong 唐太宗 and his wife Queen ZhangSun 长孙皇后。

Emperor Tang TaiZong Li ShiMin 唐太宗 李世民 and his wife Queen ZhangSun 长孙皇后
While Tang TaiZong was the 2nd emperor of the Tang Dynasty 唐朝, he was actually the son who encouraged his father to rebel against the oppressive Sui Emperor. He was the one who planned, fought, and won the many battles that established the Tang Dynasty.  He was one of the few emperors who founded and then ran the kingdom well. The period under his rule, popularly known as, 贞观之治, is one of the most powerful, prosperous, and peaceful periods in China's History.  China towns in many countries are called Tang Ren Jie 唐人街 Streets of the Tang’s people.  We can see the success and influence of Tang. Tang dynasty with 291 years was also one of the longer-lasting dynasties of China. It was also the period where women had the most freedom and were most well-educated.  The only Empress in China, Empress Wu, was in this period.  One of the key contributors to Tang TaiZong's success was his wife ZhangSun.

Queen ZhangSun was one of the best queens in Ancient China. She was well-educated and married at 13 years old to Li ShiMin who was 16 then. This was before they started the rebellion against the Sui Emperor. So, we know that ZhangSun took good care of and encouraged Li ShiMin in the challenging times of war to establish the Tang Dynasty. ZhangSun later helped ShiMin to overcome the murderous attempts of his brothers to become the 2nd Emperor of Tang. Even after she became queen, she still stuck to being frugal and loving. She refused to meddle in the political affairs of the country even though her husband has often consulted her. Her advice to the Emperor is:
  • “居安思危,任贤纳谏而已,其它妾就不了解了。”
  • When living in security, think about the probable dangers.
    Appoint the talented and listen to criticisms.
    I do not understand other things at all.

Once, the Emperor was very angry about his officer stopping him from hunting in the spring season because it was the period for animals mating and feeding the babies, ZhangSun got her ladies all dressed up in official ceremony dresses to congratulate the Emperor. The Emperor was surprised and asked why. She said that she heard that only the wise and good king can have his officers who dare to advise him. Now that there is an officer who did that, it shows that he was a wise king indeed. That made the Emperor very happy.

Her son complained to his nanny that he did not have enough things to enjoy. ZhangSun said, “为太子,患在德不立,名不扬,何患无器用邪! As a prince, the concern is about not having the right virtues, not being well-regarded, why care about not having enough things to enjoy?”. She rejected the request.

Her love for ShiMin was seen with her care for ShiMin and readiness to die with him. ShiMin was sick for a long period of time and she stayed with him day and night. She carried with her a bag of poison all the time. She was prepared to take the poison once ShiMin died! (上得疾,累年不愈,后侍奉,昼夜不离侧。常系毒药于衣带,曰:“若有不讳,义不独生。”)

On her deathbed, she requested the Emperor to give her a simple funeral and not to waste money on building a great grave. She said she did not contribute anything in her life and should at least not harm people in her death. She reminded the Emperor to be close to the good man, distance himself from the villain, accept corrections, reject gossip, not labor with the people, and stop traveling & hunting for pleasures (妾生无益于人,不可以死害人,愿勿以丘垄劳费天下,但因山为坟,器用瓦木而已。仍愿陛下亲君子,远小人,纳忠谏,屏谗慝,省作役,止游畋,妾虽没于九泉,诚无所恨! 儿女辈不必令来,见其悲哀,徒乱人意。” – 资治通鉴).

The sad thing was that ZhangSun did not live long. She died in the 10th year of the reign of ShiMin at the young age of 36! Li Shin Min was very blessed to find another young, brilliant, and righteous lady XuHui 徐惠妃. Like ZhangSun, she was able to remind and advise ShiMin not to waste resources on fighting wars and building palaces. Her famous words to ShiMin were “故有道之君,以逸逸人.

无道之君,以乐乐身. A Good King ensures his people live in comfort but a bad king only selfishly enjoys himself (at the expense of his people)”. XuHui loved ShiMin so much that when ShiMin died, she fell ill and refused the medicines offered. She died as she wished one year later at the young age of 24! It goes without saying that we are truly touched by these loving relationships.

Strong Nation, Great Leader, and Loving & Wise Wife
A Strong and prosperous nation is built by a great leader. A great leader has a wise and loving wife. He loves and appreciates his wife's advice and corrections if any. Let me end with a quote from Mr Lee on marriages:

  • We have never allowed the other to feel abandoned and alone in any moment of crisis. Quite the contrary, we have faced all major crises in our lives together, sharing our fears and hopes, and our subsequent grief and exultation. These moments of crisis have bonded us closer together. With the years, the number of specialties which we two have shared have increased.

Let's Do Our Part:
I think the best tribute to show our appreciation and respect for our founding fathers is to follow his example and continue to build and grow upon this foundation that he has laid for us. Let every one of us contribute in whatever small way that we can towards the continued growth and well-being of Singapore and our fellow men and women.

I shall offer an amended wording as follows:
behind every great man is a wise woman who loves him much and who he appreciates and listens to”.

May the legacies and the contributions of our founding father Lee Kuan Yew continue through all generations.

Lim Liat (c) 23 March 2015

27 October 2023

Learning from Viktor E. Frankl “Man's Search For Meaning”

Learning from Viktor E. Frankl “Man's Search For Meaning” All + All -

Learning from Viktor E. Frankl “Man's Search For Meaning”




  • + - 1 Choose your Response & Not react with your Dino- Brain


    • The one thing you can't take away from me is the way I choose to respond to what you do to me. The last of one's freedoms is to choose one's attitude in any given circumstance.


  • + - 2 Pain is inevitable but suffering is optional

    痛苦难免 煎熬可免

    • Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose.


      所以有人说 “痛苦是不可避免的,但受苦是可选择的”

  • + - 3 Find the Meaning


    • In some ways suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds a meaning, such as the meaning of a sacrifice.


    • There is much wisdom in the words of Nietzsche: "He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how”


  • + - 4 Change Our Attitude


    • + - “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”


  • + - 5 Discover Your Life's Purpose


    • “Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather must recognize that it is he who is asked. In a word, each man is questioned by life; and he can only answer to life by answering for his own life; to life he can only respond by being responsible.”


  • + - 6 Learn from Past Mistakes


    • “Live as if you were living for the second time and had acted as wrongly the first time as you are about to act now.”

      Live as if you are experiencing life for the second time, having learned from the mistakes of your first attempt, and apply that wisdom to your present actions.


  • + - 7 Paradox of Happiness


    • Happiness cannot be pursued; it must ensue.


    • “When a person can't find a deep sense of meaning, they distract themselves with pleasure.”


    • “Don't aim at success. The more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are going to miss it. For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side effect of one's personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself or as the by-product of one's surrender to a person other than oneself. Happiness must happen, and the same holds for success: you have to let it happen by not caring about it. I want you to listen to what your conscience commands you to do and go on to carry it out to the best of your knowledge. Then you will live to see that in the long-run success will follow you precisely because you had forgotten to think about it”


    • + - Find Your Baloon:
      • A teacher gave a balloon to every student, who had to inflate it, write their name on it and throw it in the hallway. The teacher then mixed all the balloons. The students were then given 5 minutes to find their own balloon. Despite a hectic search, no one found their balloon.
      • At that point, the teacher told the students to take the first balloon that they found and hand it to the person whose name was written on it. Within 5 minutes, everyone had their own balloon.
      • The teacher said to the students: "These balloons are like happiness. We will never find it if everyone is looking for their own. But if we care about other people's happiness, we'll find ours too."
      • May your day be filled with happiness. ❤️
  • + - 8 Use the Time Well


    • “The pessimist resembles a man who observes with fear and sadness that his wall calendar, from which he daily tears a sheet, grows thinner with each passing day. On the other hand, the person who attacks the problems of life actively is like a man who removes each successive leaf from his calendar and files it neatly and carefully away with its predecessors, after first having jotted down a few diary notes on the back. He can reflect with pride and joy on all the richness set down in these notes, on all the life he has already lived to the fullest.”


成功的人生 - 从萌萌视觉笔记的《认知觉醒》加入圣经经节

《认知觉醒》 萌萌视觉笔记 + 圣经经节 Lim Liat 27-10-23 All + All -

click on the '+' sign to expand 点击'+'号来打开更多内容

《认知觉醒》 萌萌视觉笔记 + 圣经经节 Lim Liat 27-10-23


      最近看到一个好书,《认知觉醒》,还有萌萌视觉笔记的为这本书画出了许多思维导图形的画。非常好。圣经也有它的成长模式 - 属灵的人。我就把圣经的经节加入我从萌萌视觉笔记整理的思维导图,把圣经和科学放在一起。希望对读者更有帮助。

  • + - 一、大脑: 一切问题的起源 - 焦虑,没耐心


    • + - 理智脑
      • + - 成长是理智脑变强, 收复天性


        • + - 1 面对天性, 坦然接纳自己
          • 当表现急躁,焦虑,不耐烦都不要自责,理解自己


        • + - 2 面对诱惑, 变对抗为沟通
          • 舒适区和诱惑是本能脑和情绪脑的最爱,学会沟通

            温和地告诉它们:“享受不会少,只是不是现在,而是在完成重要的事情之后。” 延迟享受它们是可以接受的。

        • + - 3 面对困难, 主动改变视角
          • 探索根源原理,主动改变认知视角,找到行动的意义和好处


            最高级的方法是,让本能脑和情绪脑感受到做某件事情的乐趣并且上瘾,从而主动解决问题 面对困难,这是理智脑的最高级策略。

        • + - 圣经
          • + - Galatians 5:16
            • "So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh."


          • + - Gal 5:17
            • "For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want."


          • + - Romans 8:5-6
            • "Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace."

              (8:5-6)  5因为随从肉体的人体贴肉体的事,随从圣灵的人体贴圣灵的事。 6体贴肉体的,就是死;体贴圣灵的,乃是生命、平安。

          • + - Romans 8:13
            • "For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live."

              (8:13) 你们若顺从肉体活着,必要死;若靠着圣灵治死身体的恶行,必要活着。

          • + - 1 John 2:16
            • "For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world."

              (2:16) 因为凡世界上的事,就象肉体的情慾,眼目的情慾,并今生的骄傲,都不是从父来的,乃是从世界来的。

    • 情绪脑
    • 本能脑
    • 动物的天性
    • 目光短浅
    • 要及时满足
    • + - 焦虑
      • + - 想同时做很多事+又想立即看到效果
        • 人的天性是避难趋易,急于求成
      • + - 解决方法
        • 1 面对现实-看清自己的真实水平
        • 2 接受环境-在局限中做力所能及的事
        • 3 克制欲望-不要让自己同时做很多事
        • 4 要事优先-想办法只做重要的事
        • 5 直面核心-狠逼自己一把突破它
      • + - Philippians 4:6-7
        • "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
    • + - 没耐心
      • + - 解决方法
        • + - 复利曲线模型
          • compound interest curve
        • + - 学习的平台期模型
          • Learning Model.png
        • + - 舒适区边缘模型
          • Comfort-Stretch-Panic Zones
      • 耐心不是毅力带来的结果,而是具有长远目光的结果。
      • + - (Prov 14:29)
        • "Whoever is patient has great understanding, but one who is quick-tempered displays folly."
        • 不轻易发怒的,大有聪明;性情暴躁的,大显愚妄。
      • + - James 1:19-20
        • "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires."
    • + - Philippians 2:13
      • "for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose."
  • + - 二、潜意识: 生命留给我们的彩蛋 - 恐惧来自模糊


    • + - 1 消除认知模糊
      • 提升思考能力,不断明确核心困难和心得感悟,并专注于此
    • + - 2 消除情绪模糊
      • 正视它,看清它,拆解他,化解它,不给它模糊的机会,即使已经进入潜意识,也要挖出来。
    • + - 3 消除行动模糊
      • 思考让后拥有足够清晰的目标,把目标和过程细化,具体化。
    • + - Subconscious Mind:
      • Subconscious mind is rooted in psychology.
      • operates below the level of conscious awareness.
      • includes automatic processes, memories, and desires that influence behavior but may not be immediately accessible to conscious thought.
  • + - 三、元认知: 人类的终极能力 - 反思的能力而成长


    • Metacognition allows individuals to monitor and control their cognitive processes.
    • + - 1 从过去获取
      • 学习前人智慧,反思自身经历(书)
    • + - 2 自身经历
      • 每天做反思和复盘
    • + - 3 动态启动认知
      • 让元认知一直监控自己,就能审视自己,跳出来
    • + - 4 冥想
      • 静坐,放松身体,把注意力集中在呼吸和感受上
  • + - 四、专注力:情绪和智慧的交叉地带 - 活在当下,忘记背后,向标杆直跑


    • 始终在拉伸区练习
    • 练习时极度专注
    • 大量的练习
    • 定义明确的目标 - 目标太大,分解吃小目标

       歌罗西3:2  "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." 你们要思念上面的事,不要思念地上的事。

    • + - 获得有效的反馈 - 又教练或老师指导
      • + - Psalm 119:105
        • "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path."
    • (Phil 3:12) 这不是说我已经得着了,已经完全了;我乃是竭力追求,或者可以得着基督耶稣所要我得的)。...就是忘记背后,努力面前的,向着标竿直跑,要得神在基督耶稣里从上面召我来得的奖赏。
  • + - 五、学习力: 学习不是一味地努力
    • + - 1 获取高质量的知识
      • + - Proverbs 1:5
        • "Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance."
      • + - James 1:5
        • "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you."
    • + - 2 深度缝接新知识
      • + - Romans 12:2
        • "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."
    • 3 用自己的语言文字教授他人
    • + - 学习金字塔
      • 从听-演示-讨论-实践-传授他人;
    • + - 建构知识体系
      • Link New Knowledge to A Framework.
    • + - 主动休息
      • 科学的学习模式=极度专注+主动休息
      • + - Mark 6:31
        • "Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he [Jesus] said to them, 'Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.'"
      • + - Matthew 11:28-30
        • "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
      • + - Psalm 46:10
        • "He says, 'Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.'"
      • + - Isaiah 30:15
        • "This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: 'In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength.'"
  • + - 六、行动力: 没有行动,世界只是个概念
    • 1 初始阶段很重要 -先做重要的事,进入正向增强。
    • 2 过程提升清晰力 - 计划和进度
    • + - 3 不要想看到结果再行动
      • Increase Active Power.png
    • + - James 2:17
      • "In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead."
    • + - Mat 7:24-27
      • "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash."
  • + - 七、情绪力: 情绪是多角度看问题的智慧
    • + - 改善坏脾气
      • 越是亲近的人越容易跟他们发脾气。有时候发脾气兜不住火,但事后又很后悔。多视角看待问题能够让人们变得更为平和智慧。
      • 1 勤移动 - 站在不同视角看问题
      • 2 善学习 - 多学习,站在高人的视角观察世界
      • 3 要开发 - 不带主观色彩 想办法了解事实
      • 4 寻帮助 - 借助他人的多维视角克服单一视角局限
      • 5 多移动 - 提升体内多巴胺,从负面情绪走出来。
      • 6 常反思 - 写下心中烦恼 可以看到更多维度
    • \
    • + - Ephesians 4:26-27
      • "In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold."
    • + - Galatians 5:22-23
      • "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things, there is no law."
  • + - 八、早 冥 读 写 跑,人生五件套 - 成本最低的成长之道
    • 早起、冥想、阅读、写作和运动,养成这5个习惯
    • 冥想:闭眼静坐;专注于自己的呼吸;每天持续15分钟以上。
    • + - 阅读:
      • 1 先学会选书 - 什么是当前最需要解决的问题?选择难度刚好的书
      • + - 2 阅读为了改变
        • 阅读后的思考,思考后的实践比阅读本身更重要。
      • + - 3 高阶读书法
        • 注意阅读时产生的关联
        • 读写不分家
    • + - 写作:
      • 1 聊天一样写作。让文章显得自然,不说教。

      • 2 使用类比 让别人能更好地理解。
      • 3 用自己语言表达和转述
    • + - 灵修:
      • 1 每天进行安静的固定时间。2 祷告 3 阅读的经文。4 冥想:反思你所阅读的经文。5 写日记:记下你的思想、祈祷以及在反思 6 使用其他资源 7 安静和倾听 8 感恩:9 应用:将学到的应用到生活中。思考具体的行动或态度上的改变。