30 December 2023

A poem for Life reflection on New Year's Eve

 《庐山烟雨》--- 苏轼临终之前写下的最后一首诗:

"Lu Mountain Mist and Rain" — The last poem written by Su Shi (Su Dongpo) before his death:
Lu Mountain's mist and rain, Zhejiang's tide,
Countless regrets remain unfulfilled if I did not go there.
But when I reach there, there seems to be nothing much to bring back.
There remain, Lu Mountain's mist and rain, Zhejiang's tide.
The good life that we so desire, when we don't have them, we strive to get them. But once we had it, it was just nothing much.
So, the things we so desire now, can we look at with a long-term perspective?
3 years, 5 years, 10 years from now, will we so value it?

Are they truly the important things when we look at them at the end of our lives?

What are the legacies that we want to leave behind?

A complementary poem (quoting the last paragraph):

《青玉案·元夕》--- 是宋代词人辛弃疾

"Green Jade Table · Lantern Festival - New Year 15th Day Night" — by the Song Dynasty poet Xin Qiji: 

Search for him/her among the people for thousands of times.

Suddenly, when I turned my head, and she was there in the midst of flickering & deeming lights. Maybe the things or people that we need most are not so far away, but rather, just in our midst, in the flickering lights, that we need to pay more attention to seek them out. Are we neglecting the things and people so near us that we pay no attention to them?

May we reflect on our lives when we decide on our New Year resolutions for 2024

Lim Liat (c) 30 Dec 2023

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