The answer seems obvious, it must be character over ability.
- Definitions
- 夫聪察强毅之谓才,正直中和之谓德。
Ability is smartness, discernment, strength/boldness, toughness;
Character/Virtue is righteousness/integrity, fairness, harmony/teamwork
- 才者,德之资也;德者,才之帅也。
Ability is to serve Character; Character is to control the ability
- Explanation
- 何则? 君子挟才以为善,小人挟才以为恶
Gentleman uses the ability to do good; Villian uses the ability to do evil
- 挟才以为善者,善无不至矣;挟才以为恶者,恶亦无不至矣
Using the ability to do, good is achieved. Using the ability to do evil, evil is attained
- 愚者虽欲为不善,智不能周,力不能胜,譬如乳狗搏人,人得而制之
The fool wants to do evil, but lacks ability, and cannot succeed; it is like a little wanting to attack people, the people will subdue it.
- 小人智足以遂其奸,勇足以决其暴,是虎而翼者也,其为害岂不多哉!
The villain has the ability to pursue evil, boldness to do the bullying is like a tiger with wings added, so the harm will be extensive,
- 夫德者人之所严,而才者人之所爱;爱者易亲,严者易疏,是以察者多蔽于才而遗于德
"Virtue is what people respect in others, while talent is what people love. Those who are loved are easy to be close to, and those who are respected are easy to be estranged from. Therefore, many observers are often deceived by talent and overlook virtue."
- Conclusion
- 故为国为家者苟能审于才德之分而知所先后,又何失人之足患哉!
Hence, for those who serve the country and the family, if they can discern the distinction between talent and virtue and understand their order (ie character oversees talent/ability), how could they fail to get the right people?
- What else?
- Culture 道: Does the person believe in the company culture such as the mission, vision, and values.
- Energy Level or Vitality or Morale: Is the person passionate and committed to giving his best with his character and ability.
- Teamwork: Some may want to add teamwork. Can he work well with others and not be selfish? I would put this as part of his character traits.