31 January 2014

Some 'Horse'ly Chinese New Year 2014 Wishes

Here is a list of "Horse"-ly New Year Wish to impress your friends and relatives for this season:

Your Vitality & Health: 龙马精神, 人强马壮
Your Courage to be First Mover: 一马当先, 单枪匹马
Your Speed and Hardworkingness: 快马加鞭, 马不停蹄
Your Business Growth that you may: 招兵买马 resulting in 千军万马, 万马奔腾
with such activities 车水马龙
And be Successful:马到功成, 一马平川
That you may have : 香车宝马, 高车驷马
And continue to Innovate without end: 天马行空
That your heart may be filled with joy that you want to run: 走马看花
You may feel rewarded for your hard work: 汗马功劳 and not be a slave 犬马之劳
Your decision can be sharp and not be 心猿意马
but be able to quit the danger in time 悬崖勒马
Have good relationship with your childhood friends: 青梅竹马
and Accumulate lots of wisdom as in 老马识途
to help your younger friends.

After you are successful, hopefully you can:

remain humble and not 指鹿为马,
and not be cheating leaving behind 蛛丝马迹
ending up with 人仰马翻, 人困马乏
and worse 兵荒马乱
becoming the 害群之马

Lastly, 塞翁失马,焉知非福,
So, lift up your head, find the opportunity in the crisis.
There are many factors beyond your control.
God may arrange events and people to help you.

May God bless you richly with Fu 福

Lim Liat (c) 31 Jan 2014

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