17 May 2014

Seven Attributes for Greatness without Fault by Lao Zi (DaoDeJing 8)

These seven attributes are not only the ones that help you become great but also about staying great. It is greatness without any fault. The seven are position of humility, a big heart, relating with kindness, communication with integrity, management with order, working with your abilities and acting on the right time. 
上善若水 ,水善利万物而不争,处众人之所恶,故几于道。

The very best is like water, 
Water brings benefits to all things —-Quality#1 contributes to society.
while not fighting against anything —- Quality#2 fights not for glory nor to claim the credit. Chapter 9 said it accomplished and then quietly withdrew 功成身退。
It stays in places where people hate — Quality#3 does the needful things that no one wants to do.
Hence, it is close to the Great Way of Dao. —- It exhibits a Godly nature.

Lao Zi further elaborates on such water qualities by giving 7 attributes for people to greatness. 
 居,善地;心,善渊;与,善仁;言,善信;政,善治;事,善能; 动,善时。

Here is the mind map containing the original, my translations, and extensions for becoming and staying great.

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