06 April 2020

What can we learn from China on the coronavirus pandemic?

Do you envy this ... China's new cases +30!

https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ for 5 Apr 2020)

The 5 Apr 2020 chart was deleted by Google. It does not matter.
Here is the latest 7 May 2020 chart.

1. 塞翁失马 焉知非福 Old man Sai lost his horse but we don't know whether it is not fortunate.
When the coronavirus spread in Wuhan, we thought China was in big trouble. Some people even made fun of their troubles. It was really bad then until we now when we see the comparison. Nevertheless, they realized it was very bad and they took decisive actions to stop it. Now they are in positions to help many nations and increasing their influence with the world. The rejected become welcomed and appreciated.
2. They are even more Kiasu than Singaporeans.
There is the Chinese saying that long-term pain is worse than short term pain 长痛不如短痛 so they took drastic actions to lock down Wuhan and other cities also follow suits with less drastic actions. The whole country was mobilized to support Hubei province and Wuhan. We also took less drastic actions and our people did not take the virus spread seriously still going on holidays during the March breaks; we continue to have parties and gatherings etc that we are forced to take more drastic actions now. Of course, it is a judgment call, balancing the demands from multiple factors and we could only have hindsight wisdom.
I taught our Kiasusim is good and follows the teaching of Sun Zi's Art of War. But the Chinese outdo us. See http://mind-value.blogspot.com/…/durians-Singaporeans-li-ka…
Since this is warfare against the virus, perhaps we should study more on The Art of War.
3. Their leadership and Unity of the People.
There is yet another Chinese saying, "一方有难 八方支援“
One side has troubles, eight other sides come in to help.
The speed and scope of the mobilization of the entire country's resources to help Hubei are most impressive. Other countries allow the virus to spread so that all are in trouble. The so-called most powerful nation has its president blaming the state governors and vice versa. The Federal and the States are bidding up the prices of resources. The differences in the quality of leadership are obvious.
The teaching of Sun Zi's Art of War tells us it is always the leaders' fault. Sun Zi gives us five factors to evaluate a situation and seven questions to measure the levels that we have achieved. Leadership is in the 5 factors. But the 2 questions of the 7 measures are about the capability and training of the men. The men are not in the 5 factors. It shows that the performance and behavior of the men are the results of the leadership. Singaporeans' behavior is the result of the leadership of our founding fathers like LKY, GohKS, and the team.
Lim Liat (c) 6 Apr 2020

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