31 December 2024

Begin the Year with Knowing How to Love Yourself

The original video is in Mandarin, see 【人文講堂】親愛的自己 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuqLWqLdpC0  Loving Yourself Is Not Selfish. Loving yourself is the first lesson in love.

The key lessons translated into English is shown below:

[Humanities Lecture] Dear Self - Living in the Moment with Xu Xiaoxi, Expanding Your Comfort Zone, and Becoming a Confident, Self-Loving Person

Key Insights:

  • "All troubles stem from interpersonal relationships; don't care about others' opinions—take responsibility for your own life."
    — Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler

Lessons from Life's Ups and Downs: Learning to Love Yourself

  1. Stop Pleasing Others—Don’t Care About What Others Say

    • It's impossible to please everyone.
    • Affirmation: I am important. My feelings matter. My life is my responsibility.
  2. Take Responsibility for Your Own Life

    • Be clear about your choices, their reasons, and your goals—whether you stay or leave, it’s your freedom.
    • Who I am today is 90% due to myself. (See S Covey 10-90 Principle)
  3. Learn to Be Alone: Solitude Is a Form of Freedom

    • Find joy in spending time with yourself.
  4. The Only Way to Overcome Fear Is to Face It

  5. Declutter Your Life + Live in the Moment

    • Let go of attachments to people, things, or ideas that don’t serve you. Life will change for the better.
    • Keep what nourishes your life, elevates your mind, and enriches your experiences.
    • Practice letting go: Release past hurts, mistakes, and missed opportunities—they no longer exist. Let go of anxieties about the future.
  6. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

    • Try new things and discover your limitless potential.
    • Why not? What you once thought you couldn’t do, you may realize you can.
    • Become an interesting and confident person.

Key Takeaway:

Loving Yourself Is Not Selfish.
Loving yourself is the first lesson in love.

Wishing you all a good and happy 2025.


【人文講堂】親愛的自己 - 跟徐曉晰一起活在當下、擴大舒適圈,做一個有自信愛自己的人 -
所有烦恼都是人際關係的; 不在意他人看法 人生要自己承担 - 奥地利心理學家阿德勒


1 不要管别人说什么 , 停止讨好别人 - 我们有多不可能去讨好每一個人;

2 要自己為自己的人生負责 - 清楚选择的原因舆目的 不论去留都是自由
我成為今天的我 九成原因在自己 10-90 Principle

3 學习獨处:獨處是一個人的自由 - 享受和自己相處的快樂

4 消除恐懼的唯一辦法就是面對

5 生活斷捨離+活在當下
捨去去執著自的人事物 人生自會大不相同
留下什腐呢:可以滋養你生命的 可以提升你的思想的 可以豊富你生活的
要放手, 要活在當下. 放掉过去的伤,错误,错过,因為过去已經不存在了. 放掉对未來的担忧.

6 走出舒適圈:嘗試新事物,發掘自己無限可能 Why NOT. 本来以为我不行,但发觉我可以.

愛自己不是自私 爱自己是愛的第一課

28 December 2024

Have a Better New Year with Greater Freedom --- Know and Stop being Manipulated.

Some friends shared 10 Key Lessons from "In Sheep's Clothing: Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People" by George K. Simon. You can do a search on the internet and find quite a number of such posts. You can even ask ChatGPT, and it will also give you lessons from the book. That was what I did and do my own mind-mapping to get clarity on the subject.

In the usual texture format.

Learning from "In Sheep's Clothing: Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People" by Dr. George K. Simon mindmapped by Lim Liat 28-12-2024
  • 1. Understanding Manipulation
    • A. Recognizing Manipulation
      • - Manipulation is covert aggression, a calculated strategy to control others while maintaining an innocent façade.
      • - Manipulative people often:
        • - Use subtle, indirect methods to dominate others.
        • - Present themselves as victims or misunderstood individuals.
    • B. Covert Tactics Are Intentional
      • - Manipulative people:
        • - Seek to control and dominate others.
        • - Use tactics like guilt-tripping, shaming, or feigning innocence to avoid accountability.
        • - Have clear goals: to win, dominate, and maintain control at others' expense.
  • 2. Characteristics of Manipulators
    • A. Manipulators Thrive on Chaos
      • - They create drama and conflict to divert attention from their own actions.
    • B. Exploiting Emotional Vulnerabilities
      • - Manipulators target insecurities like:
        • - Low self-esteem
        • - Desire to please
        • - Fear of conflict
        • - Need for approval
      • - Recognizing and addressing your vulnerabilities is key to resisting manipulation.
    • C. Common Manipulative Tactics
      • - Evasion: Avoiding questions to prevent exposure.
      • - Diversion: Changing topics to escape scrutiny.
      • - Feigning Innocence: Pretending ignorance to avoid responsibility.
      • - Playing the Victim: Using pity to gain sympathy and deflect blame.
      • - Guilt-Tripping: Making others feel responsible for their problems.
      • - Minimization: Downplaying harmful actions to avoid accountability.
      • - Weaponizing Guilt & Shame: Coercing others into compliance.
  • 3. How to Respond
  • Protect Yourself

    • A. Stop Rationalizing Their Behavior
      • - Rationalizing manipulative behavior only enables it.
      • - Recognize that manipulators are often fully aware of their tactics.
    • B. Trust Actions Over Words
      • - Manipulators use persuasive words to disguise true intentions.
      • - Focus on their behavior, not their promises or excuses.
    • C. Set and Enforce Boundaries
      • - Communicate limits clearly & enforce them consistently.
      • - Don’t allow them to test or push your boundaries.
    • D. Assertiveness Is Key
      • - Practice assertiveness by:
        • - Clearly stating your boundaries and expectations.
        • - Saying “No” firmly without overexplaining or justifying.
      • - Manipulators often back off when faced with calm, firm resistance.
    • E. Build Confidence and Emotional Resilience
      • - Strengthen self-esteem and trust your instincts.
      • - Remember:
        • - You’re not obligated to meet unreasonable demands.
        • - Prioritize your well-being.
    • F. Trust Your Instincts
      • - If something feels off, it probably is. Don’t ignore your gut.
    • G. Stay Calm and Avoid Power Struggles
      • - Manipulators thrive on conflict and emotional reactions.
      • - Stay composed and refuse to engage in their games.
    • H. Be Cautious with Empathy
      • - While empathy is a strength, manipulators exploit it.
      • - Be empathetic but discerning; don’t let emotional appeals override your judgment.
  • 4. Key Takeaways
    • - Recognizing and addressing manipulative behavior protects your well-being and relationships.
    • - By understanding their tactics and implementing effective strategies, you can break free from their influence and regain control.

16 December 2024

#64 未济 Uncompleted – Finish it Wisely & Boldly.

#64未济 Uncompleted – Finished it Wisely & Boldly.

未济        火水未济       离上坎

This hexagram has a Fire trigram on top of a Water trigram. Fire has yet to be put out by water signifying ‘yet to complete’, uncompleted or unfinished. The six lines are all in the wrong positions (vs 63 Completed) and need to bring them to the right positions to be completed. This hexagram represents spring, coming out of winter.


  1. 亨: the smooth flow of progress
  2. 小狐汔济,濡其尾,无攸利: A little fox nearing the edge of a stream in the crossing. It has its tail submerged. There is nothing beneficial to do (except to continue the present journey to completion).

Textual Commentary:

彖曰:未济,亨;柔得中也。 小狐汔济,未出中也。  濡其尾,无攸利;  不续终也。 虽不当位,刚柔应也。

Uncompleted is smooth progress. The soft gained a central position. A little fox crossing and getting near the edge of a stream. It has not developed out of the central yet. It immerses its tail. There is nothing beneficial to do. Not continuing to end means ending in failure. Though the positions are incorrect they work together.

Pictorial Commentary: 象曰:火在水上,未济;君子以慎辨物居方。

The fire on top of the water is uncompleted. A wise man carefully discerns the situation and decides its position and direction to follow.

Moral Teachings:

  1. Uncompleted means there is progress to be made.
  2. It is important not to give up when we are close. Complete this task first. Nothing else is beneficial until we finish this one and reach the shore. Don’t start a new project until we complete this current one.
  3. Study and analyze the situations, find the right positions and order of things, and take action to move in the right direction to get all positions right.  i.e. complete the puzzle and put all pieces in the right position.

Stage 1 Begin Six: Wet the Tail. There is blame and regret. 初六:濡其尾,吝。
The pictorial commentary explains that the tail got wet due to a lack of knowledge, especially of the endpoints. 象曰:濡其尾,亦不知极也。

Lacking knowledge, and don’t know where are the endpoints and directions to move will result in us spending all the time in water and getting our tails submerged. We can stay forever in the water. We need to reach the shore. Hence our soaking in the water is pitiful. Do some situation analysis and plan to move somewhere.  There is the same “wetting the tail” situation in #63 Complete line 1. That line has no fault because we know what we are doing there.

Stage 2 Second Nine: Drag the wheels. Perseverance in righteousness is good fortune. 九二:曳其轮,贞吉。
The pictorial commentary explains that righteous conduct brings fortune. 象曰:九二贞吉,中以行正也。

We have made progress in stage 2. We pursue righteousness and drag our wheels out of the mud. We know where we are doing and what we are doing. It is good fortune.

Stage 3 Third Six: Uncompleted. Overcome the pending disaster. It is beneficial for crossing the great river. 六三:未济,征凶,利涉大川。
The pictorial commentary explains the danger that comes from incorrect positioning. 象曰:未济征凶,位不当也。

We are correcting a bad positioning. There will always be a danger of ending in disaster. But we must overcome the danger to accomplish great things. We cannot fear the danger and then give up. We just have to face the danger with wisdom, caution, and courage. Since we may lack the ability and resources. It is best to get and mobilize others to help us to work together on a worthy project.

Great accomplishment is about putting the wrong things right. Offering new and great benefits that were not there.

Some examples are:

  • Improving fuel efficiencies and developing green energy.
  • Eliminating the CO2 and helping to solve global warming.
  • Extending the healthy life and curing major illnesses etc. etc.

All these projects mean lots of challenges and risks. It is likely beyond the effort of a single person. But he can start and get others to join.

Stage 4 Forth Nine: Perseverance in righteousness brings fortune. There are no regrets. Surprise the Devil’s country by attacking it. For three years, there are rewards from the great Kingdom. 九四:贞吉,悔亡,震用伐鬼方,三年有赏于大国。
The pictorial commentary explains the good fortune and no regrets that come from the execution of our mission. 象曰:贞吉悔亡,志行也。

We take up the challenge of accomplishing a great worthy project and a righteous cause. With the support and help of great others, we surprise and shock the opposition with our aggressive attack.

Stage 5 Fifth Six: Perseverance in righteousness brings good fortune. There are no regrets. The light of integrity and sincerity of the wise men shines. Good fortune. 六五:贞吉,无悔,君子之光,有孚,吉。
The pictorial commentary explains that the light of the wise men is brightly shining and brings forth good fortune 象曰:君子之光,其晖吉也。

Opposition overcome. The light of righteousness, integrity, and sincerity shines forth throughout the country and brings forth benefits and blessings for all to enjoy. This is a great accomplishment.

Stage 6 Top Nine: Celebration with the drinking of wine in confidence. There is no fault. But if one wet his head, he loses his right conduct. 上九:有孚于饮酒,无咎,濡其首,有孚失是。
The commentary explains that wetting the head shows a lack of self-control. 象曰:饮酒濡首,亦不知节也。

Celebration of success, drinking of wine, has no fault. It is only at fault if one loses self-control by getting drunk – filling our head with wine!

The first three lines talk about water and the last three lines talk about the light of the fire.


  1. Don’t give up until one complete the task.
  2. Analyze the situations.  Find the right positions. Take action to move in the right direction and get all the positions right.
  3. Accomplishing this worthy project is good enough (see below). No need to be distracted by other things.

Wisdom from the Stage Lines:

  1. Find the Vision. Wet the Tail. Wandering in water. Pitiful. Do SWOT and move with purpose and direction.
  2. Keep moving. In the Mud. Drag the wheel and move in the right direction. Spend the effort wisely.
  3. Scale Up. Overcoming danger and Crossing the Great River. No great accomplishment comes easily. Cautiously overcome the danger and move on. Get help from others to do it together.
  4. Shock the Opposition. Aggressively accomplish the righteous cause with help from others. Shock and overcome the opposition.
  5. Success – Shinning Light. Mission accomplished. Light of integrity and righteousness shine throughout the land and bring benefits to all.
  6. Maintain the Light of Integrity. Celebrating success with wine is OK. Don’t go overboard and be drunk.
Lim Liat (c) 30/6/2010

#63 既濟 Completed – Need Watchfulness & Renewal


#63 既濟 Completed – Need Watchfulness & Renewal

既济        水火既济       坎上离下

This hexagram has a Water trigram on top of a Fire trigram. Water has boiled and hence represents the completion or completed. This is the hexagram with the yang(strong) and yin(soft) lines at the right position. Yang should be in an odd position (1,3,5)and Yin should be in an even position (2,4,6) hence it is complete. In a world of endless changes, completion represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of the next cycle. There is much to learn and prepare for the future when one reaches the end of a cycle.


  1. 亨: a smooth flow of progress
  2. 小利贞: little benefits for perseverance in righteousness
  3. 初吉终乱: it starts with good fortune but ends with chaos.

(In ancient writing, there is no punctuation. Hence some translations put it as 亨小, 利贞. It then becomes small progress or progress for the small,  and beneficial for perseverance in righteousness. It becomes clearer in the textual commentary.)

Textual Commentary:

彖曰:既济,亨,小者亨也。 利贞,刚柔正而位当也。 初吉,柔得中也。 终止则乱,其道穷也。

Completed is smooth progress. The little ones have smooth progress. It is beneficial for perseverance in righteousness. The strong and soft occupy the right positions. The beginning has good fortune because the strong occupy the central state. Ending in chaos is because there are no more ways to go.

Pictorial Commentary: 象曰:水在火上,既济;君子以思患而预防之。
Water on top of Fire makes for Completion. Wise men think of impending disasters and make preparations to prevent them.

Moral Teachings:

  1. To complete a project or come to an ending state is good fortune. We have accomplished what we have set up to achieve. All will benefit even the ones that contributed little to the success. They contributed little, maybe of their capability, or maybe they joined the project late. Nevertheless, they all share in the rewards of success.
  2. Completed does not mean we henceforth do away with the righteous conduct that brought us here. There are new heights to climb as life goes on. We must continue in the righteous conduct that brings us success.
  3. Success comes from each one of us recognizing our roles and positions and contributing from there. We do not try to become or do the work of others. We don’t cross boundaries. We contribute from our strengths and don’t do things that we are weak at.
  4. Success comes from softly motivating people to contribute their best rather than forcing people to work.
  5. Success tends to cause us to lose our guard and rest on our laurels. We must always have foresight and think of the potential dangers. Constant renewal is needed. We prepare and prevent potential disasters from happening. Then we will not fulfill the prediction of “begin well but ends in chaos”.

Stage 1 Begin Nine: Drag the wheels; wet the tail; there is no fault. 初九:曳其轮,濡其尾,无咎。
The pictorial commentary explains that ‘dragging the wheels’ is the right thing to do and there is no fault. 象曰:曳其轮, 义无咎也。

In the pursuit of righteous conduct in challenging times and circumstances, we may encounter difficulty, get the wheels of our truck stuck, and need to be dragged out and get our tails, signifying our back, wet representing slanders. But, it is OK as we have already moved ahead.

Stage 2 Second Six: The woman lost her screen (of carriage, some translations say accessories). There is no need to pursue it. It will be gained back. 六二:妇丧其茀,勿逐,七日得。
The pictorial commentary explains that “gaining back in seven days” is because of the practice of the way of the middle (Balanced ways). 象曰:七日得,以中道也。

Pursuing the course of righteousness will suffer some losses. But these are external coverings. The core is OK. Because of righteous and balanced conduct, the losses will be paid back. The people discovered the truth and saw the benefits of our work and hence paid us back for our losses. It does not take too long, only one week signifying some reasonably short time.

Stage 3 Third Nine: King Gao Zhong attacked the Devil’s region. It took three years to conquer it. Do not use little(evil) men. 九三:高宗伐鬼方,三年克之,小人勿用。
The pictorial commentary explains that taking three years to conquer is very tiring. 象曰:三年克之,惫也。

To fully conquer and get rid of evil like bad attitudes, habits, and practices need a longer time. It may take up to 3 years.  Cultural change is a difficult thing. It could be very wearisome but don’t give up halfway. Persist to the end. We must not use those selfish and

Stage 4 Forth Six: Fine colorful silk clothing turns into rags. Be watchful all day long. 六四:繻有衣袽,终日戒。
The pictorial commentary explains that all-day vigilance is because there are doubts 象曰:终日戒,有所疑也。

If we are not watchful then a good thing will become bad like fine silk becoming rags.  Success does not do away with being watchful. It requires constant vigilance and maintenance to preserve the original shine and usefulness.

Stage 5 Fifth Nine: The Eastern neighbor’s killing of an ox (as an offering) is not as good as the Western neighbor’s spring worship of simple offerings. Sincerity brings blessings. 九五:东邻杀牛,不如西邻之禴祭,实受其福。
The pictorial commentary explains it is sincerity that brings great fortune. 象曰:东邻杀牛,不如西邻之时也;实受其福,吉大来也。

Grand external public relationship type of large sacrifices without true internal sincerity is of no use. God sees the heart and intent of people, not the external actions for a good show, and blesses accordingly. The two copper coins offered by a widow is better than the large offerings of the wealthy. The widow gave out of all she had whereas the wealthy gave out of their surpluses. (Bible Mark 12:41-44).  To obey is better than sacrifice (1 Samuel 15:22). This story of Saul is exactly what is taught here.

Stage 6 Top Six: Wet the head. This is dangerous. 上六:濡其首,厉。
The pictorial commentary explains that water covering the head indicates that its life will not last long.象曰:濡其首厉,何可久也。

Not heeding the advice and warning of the previous stages have caused us to sink deeper into the water resulting in water over our heads. Our ending is near. Wake up and change! This is the eleven-hour and fifty-nine minutes already.


  1. Completion is a good stage to arrive at. We must share the rewards.
  2. We must continue in righteousness.
  3. We must all play our roles to the very best.
  4. We motivate and get commitment from people and are not pushy.
  5. We watch out, renew, prepare, and prevent possible disasters and ensure that our good beginning does not end in chaos.

Wisdom from the Stage Lines:

  1. Start moving. Drag the wheel though getting wet at the tail. Doing the right things and making progress needs to overcome some obstacles and backbiting. (Water wet the tail)
  2. Keep moving though suffer temporary loss. Continue to do right. The temporary external losses will be repaid back in due time. (Water wet the things)
  3. Take on a bigger project. Changing Culture, habits, and attitudes takes a longer time (3 years). Persist till the end. Don’t employ narrow-hearted and selfish people (literally little men). (Water wets the region)
  4. Maintain vigilance. Good things need constant vigilance, maintenance, and renewal to preserve their original shine and usefulness. (Water wet the clothes)
  5. Celebrate with sincerity. The sincerity of the Heart is more important than putting out a big show without corresponding intention. Obedience is better than sacrifice. (Water wet the chest)
  6. Change immediately! Don’t get drowned in the water (water cover head).
Lim Liat (c) 30/6/2010

#62 小过 Little Excess – Taking Heed & Standing Out


#62小过 Little Excess – Taking Heed & Standing out

小过        雷山小过       震上艮下

This hexagram has a Thunder trigram on top of a Mountain trigram. Thunder on the mountaintop sounds louder than on the plain and hence represents Little Excess or little more. It is slightly over the limits, exceeding the boundary by a little. It teaches one to be watchful and correct small mistakes before they become big ones.  For the good things, like honoring others, it teaches ask to do a little more than is expected. There are two solid lines in the middle representing the body of a bird and the four broken lines on the outside represent the flapping wings. Hence, you can see that flying & birds are used in the commentaries.


  1. 亨: a smooth flow of progress
  2. 利贞: beneficial for perseverance in righteousness
  3. 可小事: can be for a small thing
  4. 不可大事: cannot be a big thing
  5. 飞鸟遗之音,不宜上宜下,大吉: there remains the calling of passing birds, not suitable for going up but suitable for going down. It is a great fortune.

Textual Commentary:

彖曰:小过,小者过而亨也。 过以利贞,与时行也。 柔得中,是以小事  吉也。 刚失位而不中,是以不可大事也。 有飞鸟之象焉,有飞鸟遗之音,不宜上宜下,大吉;上逆而下顺也。

Little excess means the small has passed and it is a smooth flow. This is beneficial or perseverance in righteousness. It must follow the times and trends. Softness is at the center and doing small things will bring fortune. The strong lost their positions and are not at the center, therefore it is not good for doing great things. There is the image of flying birds. There remained the calling of passing birds. It is suitable for going downwards but not for going upwards. This is a great fortune. Going upwards will meet resistance but going downwards will be a smooth flow.

Pictorial Commentary: 象曰:山上有雷,小过;君子以行过乎恭,丧过乎哀,用过乎俭。
There is thunder on the mountain top giving rise to little excess. A wise man in his behavior shows a little more respect, in mourning shows a little more sorrow, and in spending is a little more thrifty.

Moral Teachings:

  1. Take heed of small things and try to do a little bit more.
  2. For small mistakes, we must quickly learn and correct them and we can flow freely with good progress.
  3. For good and righteous things, let us put a little more effort and give a little more than expected. This is the secret to delighting customers. A little, need not be a lot, more than expected will give a present surprise. Too much will be a shock and may not create the result you want.
  4. In terms of time, we must follow and be slightly ahead of others in the trend to lead. Too much ahead is the bleeding edge or leading edge.  Don’t try to beat the trend. Following it is good enough.
  5. Don’t try to do too much, just a little more and a little better.
  6. Don’t go against the top but just serve the bottom mass a little more.
  7. In everything good and right, such as giving honor, understanding and comforting, and cost control, do a little bit more.

Stage 1 Begin Six: Flying birds indicate pending disaster. 初六:飞鸟以凶。
The pictorial commentary explains that the flying indicates disaster because they are at a loss. 象曰:飞鸟以凶,不可如何也。

Watch for little signs, such as the sudden flight of birds. A sudden flight of birds shows that they are disturbed and indicates there are people coming. A flight of vultures in the air tells you where the dead bodies are. In any situation, watch out for the little signs of movements or deviations from the normal. They are the alerts for us to take heed of.

Stage 2 Second Six: Pass the Grandfather but meet the Grandmother. Not able to reach the King but meet his ministers. There is no fault. 六二:过其祖,遇其妣;不及其君,遇其臣;无咎。
The pictorial commentary tells us not to bypass the ministers to reach the King when we don’t really know the king. 象曰:不及其君,臣不可过也。

We fail to meet the very top but the 2nd in command. Having the 2nd best is still a good place to work on. It takes a little longer but we can still succeed.

Stage 3 Third Nine: Not taking extra precautions and some others find opportunities to cause harm. This is a disaster. 九三:弗过防之,从或戕之,凶。
The pictorial commentary explains the harm came and the disaster is unavoidable.  象曰:从或戕之,凶如何也。

Why did we not take extra precautions? Sometimes it is because we are too confident in our past experiences. We miss the signs that tell us the world is changing and it will not be like in the past. (We miss the stage 1 flying bird warning). How many people have been in the recent Financial subprime meltdown?  When it was happening, some financial consultant confidently told me it was just the normal up-and-down business cycle. How wrong he was!

Stage 4 Forth Nine: No fault. Did not miss and meet up with it. Going forward is dangerous and one must take precautions. Do not insist on doing it. 九四:无咎,弗过遇之。 往厉必戒,勿用永贞。
The pictorial description explains that the meeting occurs from incorrect positions. Going is dangerous needing caution means it will not last long. 象曰:弗过遇之,位不当也。 往厉必戒,终不可长也。

The pictorial commentary tells us that the chance meeting is because of an incorrect position. It is by mistake! Maybe fluke. Hence, going forward will be dangerous and the thing cannot last long. There is no fault but it is a dangerous undertaking. If we can put in a little extra effort here and there to take care of the danger, the project may be OK. Would it be better for us to put the effort somewhere else?

Stage 5 Fifth Six: Dense clouds but no rain. Coming from the western wilderness. The King shot and caught him in the cave. 六五:密云不雨,自我西郊,公弋取彼在穴。
The pictorial commentary explains that the dense cloud yet no rain is because it has gone higher. 象曰:密云不雨,已上也。

There is the expectation of rain, representing blessings, but it did not come at all. The people have gone into hiding in the cave due to the coming rain.  This is showing those in charge, the King is not capable or selfish. There is no true performance. The people of talent are in hiding. The King must make the extra effort to hunt them out.

Stage 6 Top Six: Overshot and miss meeting.  The bird flies past him. It is a disaster. This is called calamity and mistake 上六:弗遇过之,飞鸟离之,凶,是谓灾眚。
The pictorial commentary explains that the missing is because it is over the top. 象曰:弗遇过之,已亢也。

This is not a little more. This is excessively over. It is over the top most, over the flight of the birds. No one is able to keep up and hence bring forth its disaster. These are people who are what a Chinese phrase describes as “好高骛远”, meaning unrealistic in our expectations, desiring something high above what we can realistically achieve. Excessive can occur in-depth or in width. Too many ‘little more’ all over the place will strain the organization as well as do excessive much in a narrow niche.


  1. For the righteous and good things, do a little more than expected. It will create delights.
  2. For the bad things, correct the little mistakes before they become a disaster.
  3. Be watchful for the little signs of deviations from normal, they are alerts. Take heed.
  4. Follow the trend, just stay a little ahead of others, to be on the leading edge. Excessive ahead is called the bleeding edge of big losses.

This is summarized well by Art Linkletter, a successful TV host, and businessman that lived to 97,

Do a little more than you’re paid to. Give a little more than you have to. Try a little harder than you want to. Aim a little higher than you think possible, and give a lot of thanks to God for health, family, and friends.

You live between your ears. You can’t turn back the clock, but you can rewind it.” — Art Linkletter on the secret of his longevity.

Wisdom from the Stage Lines:

  1. Bird flying. Heed the signs of danger pending. Be watchful of small deviations from the norm.
  2. 2nd best opportunity is still good. Work on it.
  3. Did not take extra care and got injured. Learn from it and wise up. Next time do it with a little more care.
  4. Opportunity but has many risks. Consider carefully before proceeding.
  5. Large but not productive or profitable. The boss needs to make a little more effort to seek out and hire talented people to help.
  6. Higher than what a bird can reach. That is way overboard. It will end in disaster. Come down from your height and be more realistic.
Lim Liat (c) 28/6/2010

#61 中孚 Integrity – Create Right Bonding


#61 中孚 Integrity – Create Right Bonding

中孚        风泽中孚       巽上兑下

This hexagram has a Wind trigram on top of the Lake trigram. The hexagram is well-balanced with 2 broken and 4 full lines. The central two lines as soft broken lines signifying humility. The top and bottom trigram also have a strong line as the central line. The whole structure signifies Central Integrity, trustworthiness, or sincerity.


  1. 豚鱼吉: Pigs and fishes. It is good fortune.
  2. 利涉大川: It is beneficial to cross the great river.
  3. 利贞: It is beneficial for perseverance in righteousness

Textual Commentary:

彖曰:中孚,柔在内而刚得中。 说而巽,孚,乃化邦也。 豚鱼吉,信及豚鱼也。 利涉大川,乘木舟虚也。 中孚以利贞,乃应乎天也。

Integrity, soft in the interior, and strong occupies the right mid-position. Joyful spreading out like the wind, integrity is able to transform and civilize a country. Having pigs and fish as an offering is a good fortune. Integrity has touched the pigs and fish. It is beneficial to cross the great river because there are empty wooden vessels available. Integrity is beneficial for perseverance in righteousness. It follows the way of Heaven and Earth.

Pictorial Commentary: 泽上有风,中孚;君子以议狱缓死

Wind on top of the lake symbolized integrity. Wise men deliberate about offenses and punishments to delay executions.

Moral Teachings:

  1. Most translation explains that the pigs and fishes are used for offerings in their worship. They represent the offerings of common people. It reveals that the people are living quite well to able to have such food and time to worship God. This is the good fortune brought about by integrity.
  2. Integrity is a combination of soft and strong. Soft on the inside and yet strong in the middle. It will insist on the right thing to do and not give in to pressures. Yet it will not use force to get its way. It uses the soft approach, to gain acceptance and influence. It creates lasting relationships and bonds.
  3. Integrity has the power to transform the whole organization or country.
  4. Integrity works with perseverance in righteousness.
  5. Integrity also demands wisdom and judgment of right and wrong so that gives a fair hearing and prevents the wrong person from being punished by death.

Stage 1 Begin Nine: Resting in one’s position well brings good fortune. Otherwise, there will be no peace of mind. 初九:虞吉,有他不燕。
The pictorial commentary explains the fortune of rest is the intention that has not changed. 象曰:初九虞吉,志未变也。

虞 in ancient times is also a kind of ceremony to calm the gods in a time of death. The teaching is quite clear. We stay calm and be satisfied with one’s position and role. We don’t try to be something or someone we are not.

Stage 2 Second Nine: A crane calls in the shades and her young ones harmonize with her. I have good wine. I will share it with you.  九二:鸣鹤在阴,其子和之,我有好爵,吾与尔靡之。
The pictorial commentary explains the young ones responded because of their heart’s desire too.象曰:其子和之,中心愿也。

Here we have a beautiful picture of joyful living together. They are sharing their good wine and harmonizing their singing. This is the result of trust and unbroken promises – the attributes of integrity. As explained in the posting earlier, integrity should have at least two ingredients – honesty and the ability to deliver the promises made.

Stage 3 Found a match. Sometimes drum beating. Sometimes stop. Sometimes crying and sometimes singing. 六三:得敌,或鼓或罢,或泣或歌。
The pictorial commentary explains that the beating and stops are due to incorrect position.象曰:可鼓或罢,位不当也。

When we are unclear of our position or others’ position, we find it difficult to relate well to others. We change the ways we treat them.

Stage 4 fourth Six: The moon is nearly full. The horse runs away. There is no fault. 六四:月几望,马匹亡,无咎。
The pictorial commentary explains that the horse runs away because he breaks away from the team to follow the top. 象曰:马匹亡,绝类上也。

We are almost done with the big project but someone breaks away from us to go after the top. Nevertheless, we are not affected at all because of our trusting teamwork and we shall be able to continue to complete the project.

Stage 5 Fifth Nine: There is integrity and they are bound together. There is no fault. 九五:有孚挛如,无咎。
The pictorial commentary explains the binding together is due to being in the right position. 象曰:有孚挛如,位正当也。

Integrity builds close relationships. This is possible when we all know our position and roles.

Stage 6 Top Nine: The roster tries to fly to the sky. This is a true disaster. 上九:翰音登于天,贞凶。
The pictorial commentary explains that the roster flying to the sky can’t last long. 象曰:翰音登于天,何可长也。

The roster,  being offered as the sacrifice, should not over-rate itself and think it can fly high into the sky. He thinks he can do it all alone without needing others. It won’t last long and will fall to its death – truly a disaster.


  1. Integrity is built on perseverance in righteousness.
  2. It does not give in to pressure.
  3. Yet it does not force its ways. It draws people to accept him.
  4. It is powerful and is able to transform the organization, creating strong bonds and bringing benefits to all.
  5. It has the honesty to prevent misunderstanding & suspicion, the capability to deliver promises, and the wisdom to judge rightly.
  6. It is the needed foundation for accomplishing big things.

Wisdom from the Stage Lines:

  1. Integrity begins with resting on one’s position. Be ourselves.
  2. Integrity brings joy, harmony, and sharing of achieved rewards.
  3. An incorrect understanding of one’s position and role weakens integrity and paralyzes action.
  4. Integrity is able to cover some who break promises and run away. The loss of some staff  does not prevent eventual success
  5. The integrity of people relating to the right positions brings strong bonding.
  6. Integrity at the sky. True integrity is delivering according to our ability and never overpromising. Overrating oneself and going alone without others will lead to disaster.
Lim Liat (c) 26/6/2010

#60 節 Control – Just Enough of It

#60節 Control – Just Enough of It

节      水泽节         坎上兑下

This hexagram has the Water trigram on top of the Lake trigram. This is creating an overflow and hence the need to control or limit. The name of this hexagram is 节 meaning control, limit, discipline, put a stop, or abstain from. Again, from the principle concept of I-Ching, too much control is also no good just as lack of control is bad. We need to have the right amount of control. This is also why I prefer the use of the word “Control” over “Limit”. Control gives the idea of adjusting, not too much and not too little. An alternative word could be “Regulate”.


  1. 亨: a smooth flow of progress and success
  2. 苦节不可: should not have excessive control that leads to intense pains
  3. 贞: persevere in righteousness

Textual Commentary:

彖曰:节,亨,刚柔分,而刚得中。苦节不可贞,其道穷也。说以行险,当位以节,中正以通。 天地节而四时成,节以制度,不伤财,不害民。

Control is a smooth flow of progress. The strong and soft are separated (actually in equal amounts of 3 strong and 3 soft lines) with the strong taking the central position. Painful control cannot last long, its way leads to a dead end. There is joy in maneuvering over danger, controlling to get the right position, and maintaining righteousness at the center to have open and free access. Heaven and Earth control themselves and result in the four seasons. Have a system to implement control. Don’t waste resources and don’t hurt the people.

Pictorial Commentary: 泽上有水,节;君子以制数度,议德行。

There is water on top of the Lake is controlled. A wise man has a system of measurement for discussion and implementation of virtue and conduct.

Moral Teachings:

  1. There must be control to ensure unobstructed flow to progress and success.
  2. The control must be appropriate and not too much to cause pain.
  3. The control must be based on standards of righteousness, virtue, and conduct. It must follow the timing and ensure regularity.
  4. There must be a system, of rules and guidelines, to ensure control. The system must be efficient and effective so as not to waste resources and not hurt the people.
  5. There must be measurements and standards (established in point 3) to have control.
  6. With proper control, we can go through danger with joy.

Stage 1 Begin Nine: Not going out of the house. There is no fault. 初九:不出户庭,无咎。
The pictorial commentary gives the reason for not going out. It is because he understands flow and obstruction. 象曰:不出户庭,知通塞也。

We must understand the principles of “Flow” and “Obstruction”. We must learn to read the situation well and know the time to move or to stay. At this stage, it is alright for us to stay. Reading a situation requires some knowledge. In the business world, we have the SWOT analysis. The military has the equivalent of Appreciation of the Situation. The only problem with using Military Strategies in Business is that it is only half correct. Business is a love affair with customers and not a war against competitors. The focus should be on customers with competitors being used by customers as reference points.

Stage 2 Second Nine: Not going out of the house. This is a disaster. 九二:不出门庭,凶。
The pictorial commentary gives the reason. Not going out will mean a loss of opportunity. 象曰:不出门庭,失时极也。

Comparing the outcomes of stage 1 and stage 2, we can see that the action is the same, staying at home, but the outcome is different. One is no fault and the other is a disaster. Why? Because the situation has changed. At this stage, we should move out to get at the opportunity else we will lose it. The world has changed, the type-writer manufacturer is still producing type-writers! How could it not be a disaster?

Stage 3 Third Six: Without control one will sigh. This statement is no fault. 六三:不节若,则嗟若,无咎。
The pictorial commentary explains that if we don’t control ourselves until it is too late, we have only ourselves to blame. 象曰:不节之嗟,又谁咎也。

By itself, without control, things will take their own course and go off plan. Things seldom happen according to plan. There must be constant monitoring and correction to ensure the happenings are according to plan. Once deviation is detected, it is better to fix the out-of-control issue as early as possible. The cost of fixing an error increases with time. If the error is just on the drawing board, fixing it is just the cost of the draft man. If it had already been implemented. The cost will be much greater. It will be worse if the error causes the loss of lives later.

Stage 4 Forth Six: Quietly following the Control. It is a smooth flow of progress and success. 六四:安节,亨。
The pictorial commentary explains that progress comes from following the right way. 象曰:安节之亨,承上道也。

The system is working well and the people are happy to follow them. Things move smoothly.

Stage 5 Fifth Nine: Getting the sweet benefits of Control. This is good fortune. Going forward is praiseworthy. 九五:甘节,吉;往有尚。
The pictorial commentary explains the sweetness of the control because it is standing in the central position. 象曰:甘节之吉,居位中也。

Stage 4 is a passive following of the control system. At Stage 5, we have people positively benefiting from the system and singing its praises. They will enthusiastically promote it after seeing its value.

Stage 6 Top Six: Painful control. Persevere in it will bring disaster. There is no repentance. 上六:苦节,贞凶,悔亡。
The pictorial commentary explains the disaster comes from moving to a dead end. 象曰:苦节贞凶,其道穷也。

When the control is overburdening the people, it should be changed and simplified. It is not to do away with the control system as a typical reaction, but to make changes in the degree of control. Any control or measurement system actually adds to the costs, increases the effort, and may even distort behavior.  Change, and simplify the control system and there need be no repentance. Find out what is not really needed, and what is creating behavior that you do not want. e.g. measuring the calls handled per hour as a productivity measure for the call center operator only results in the operator wanting to cut short the call rather than wanting to be truly helpful.


To ensure we have a smooth flow and to avoid danger, we must have proper control. The keys are:

  1. A set of Standards – the righteous virtue and conduct.
  2. A set of Targets – the right positions that we want to reach to prevent deviations. If it is a project, there must be a plan first. If this is a flow, there must be operating ranges.
  3. A set of measurements and continued monitoring.
  4. The systems and the process of controlling must be efficient and effective. It cannot be too much wasting resources and hurting people. Neither it can be too little to lose direction.

Wisdom from the Stage Lines:

  1. Stay Put is OK if the external situation changes a little.
  2. Stay Put is BAD if the external situation has changed. Structural changes invalidate past practices. Change with time.
  3. Control in time saves regrets later. Detect alpha or beta errors and respond accordingly.
  4. Quiet Control. Systems are followed.
  5. Sweet Control. The benefits of control are seen and people love it.
  6. Over Control. People are overburdened. Review, simplify, and change measurements and control systems to correct undesirable behavior caused.
Lim Liat (c) 24/6/2010