04 February 2024

A Guide for New Year Resolutions - Wisdom from Ancient Chinese

With the coming of Chinese New Year 2024, maybe we can review and make New Year resolutions for the coming year. Here is a list of dos and don'ts for the noble persons from Ancient Chinese Classics. 

The Behavior of the Noble Person:   

  • 1 君子有三立

    Aspiration: 3 establishments

    • + 古人云君子三立:立德、立功(行)、立言。立德,如果是一棵树,那他就是主干。 立功,如果是一棵树,他就是花和果实。立言,如果是一棵树那他就是种子,传下去。

      As the ancients said, a noble person establishes three things: the establishment of virtue, the establishment of achievements (actions), and the establishment of words. The establishment of virtue is like the trunk of a tree; it forms the core. The establishment of achievements is like the flowers and fruits of a tree; it represents the visible results. The establishment of words is like the seeds of a tree; it is passed down and propagated.

  • 2 君子有三畏。 Respect:3 fears
    • + 子曰:畏天命,畏大人,畏圣人之言。 小人不知天命而不畏也,狎大人,侮圣人之言。

      Confucius. "Fear of the heavenly mandate, fear of great individuals, and fear of the words of the wise.  Petty individuals do not understand the heavenly mandate and thus do not fear it. They treat great individuals with disrespect and scorn the words of the wise."

  • 3 君子有三道。Attributes: 3 Principles
    • + 子曰:仁者不忧,智者不惑,勇者不惧。

      Love without worry; Wisdom without confusion; Boldness without fear.

  • 4 君子有三乐 Contentment: 3 Joys
    • + 孟子曰:“君子有三乐,而王天下不与存焉。父母俱存,兄弟无故,一乐也;仰不愧于天,俯不怍于人,二乐也;得天下英才而教育之,三乐也。君子有三乐,而王天下不与存焉。”

      Happy family; Clear conscience;Talented Students

  • 5 君子有三愆 Speech: 3 faults
    • 子曰:君子待人有三愆,言未及之而言,谓之躁。言及之而不言,谓之隐。未见颜色而言,谓之瞽。

      Confucius said: "A noble person dealing with others, there are three faults: Speaking before it is the time to speak is called rashness. Knowing when to speak but choosing not to is called discretion. Speaking without observing the other person's expression is called blindness."

  • 6 君子有三戒。Age: 3 Avoidances
    • 子曰:少之时,血气未定,戒之在色;及其壮也,血气方刚,戒之在斗;及其老也,血气既衰,戒之在得。

      when young with vigours not controlled, avoid the temptation of sex; when strong, and full of sap, avoid fighting; when old with vigours diminishing, avoid greed to gain.

  • 7 君子有三患:Learning: 3 perils
    • 未之闻,患弗得闻也;既闻之,患弗得学也;既学之,患弗能行也。

      Before hearing about it, the concern is not being able to hear of it;

      After hearing about it, the concern is not being able to learn it;

      After learning it, the concern is not being able to practice it.

  • 8 子绝四:Mindset: 4 Abstinence
    • + 毋意、毋必、毋固、毋我。

      Do not be subjective; Do not be absolute/extreme; Do not be rigid; Do not be egocentric/selfish

  • 9 君子有四不 Actions: 4 'Nots'
    • + 第一,君子不妄动,动必有道:

      Firstly, a noble person does not act recklessly; every action must follow the proper way.

    • + 第二,君子不徒语,语必有理

      Secondly, a noble person does not speak without purpose; every word must have reason.

    • + 第三,君子不苟求,求必有义

      Thirdly, a noble person does not seek without reason; every pursuit must have righteousness.

    • + 第四,君子不虚行,行必有正

      Fourthly, a noble person does not engage in empty actions; every conduct must be upright."

  • 10 君子有五耻:5 shames
    • 居其位,无其言,君子耻之;

      To hold a position but lack the corresponding speech

    • 有其言,无其行,君子耻之;

      To have the speech but lack corresponding actions

    • 既得之而又失之,君子耻之;

      To acquire something and then lose it

    • 地有余而民不足,君子耻之;

      When there is a surplus in the land but the people lack

    • + 众寡均而倍焉,君子耻之。

      When the distribution is fair, but one takes more than their share

  • 11 君子有九思。9 reflections
    • 子曰:“君子有九思:视思明、听思聪、色思温、貌思恭、言思忠、事思敬、疑思问、忿思难、见得思义。”

      In seeing, one reflects on clarity. In listening, one reflects on understanding. In facial expression, one reflects on warmth. In appearance, one reflects on humility. In a speech, one reflects on faithfulness. In actions, one reflects on respect. In doubt, one reflects on inquiry. In anger, one reflects on suffering. In getting, one reflects on righteousness.

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