17 June 2024

Creative Ideas for the Next Smart Phone using Generative AI & BVITS Ideas-generator

Using Generative AI for Creative Ideas Generation

Generative AI is based on collections of large existing data. Since it is based on past data, could it be used for creativity and innovation? The answer is yes with some limitations. Take an example, say what the next generation smartphone will be like. The internet does contain many posts that talk about the next smartphone. So, Generative AI, based on such, will be able to tell us about the future of smartphones. Below is the summary of such an exploration, using Generative AI like ChatGPT4o, Doubao, Kimi, Germini & Perplexity.

The prompt was: 
present mobile phone has reached the saturation state, what will be the next kind of mobile phone. what functions will they have?

I combined their results and regrouped them into 17 categories which are shown in the mind map below:

Using BVITS For 'Absurd' Ideas Generation

However, to be extremely creative, and to have radical ideas, we need to have some methods that will break our prejudices and see into our blindspots. 

Some years back, I created a method called "BVITS“, see the post for the details.

“If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.” ― Albert Einstein

While the BVITS method shows us how to think 'absurdly', it is very difficult for us to follow since it is acting against our stereotype fixed mindset.  The best is to let the computer generate absurd ideas for us. I had done that using Axon Idea Processor software. Unfortunately, it is no longer available. So I wrote an improved version using Python named "BVITS Ideas Generator ".

The BVITS basic method just uses 3 lines of text. Using the smartphone as an example:

   1st Line: New System Name e.g. NewPhone
   2nd Line: Components e.g. Screen CPU Memory Camera Apps Battery Sensor
   3rd Line: Environment Components e.g. 'People', 'Internet', 'Satellites', 'Things'

We can generate as many absurd ideas as we wish. 

Below is a run of the program:

BVITS Ideas Generator 0.0 by Lim Liat 11-6-2024 copyrighted
BVITS Ideas Generator 0.0 by Lim Liat 11-6-2024 copyrighted

BVITSIGEN Input File Format:
3 lines of text as descrbed below

   1st Line: New System Name e.g. NewPhone
   2nd Line: Components e.g. Screen CPU Memory Camera Apps Battery
   3rd Line: Environment Components e.g. People Building

BVITGEN-Input.txt Example:

Screen CPU Memory Camera Apps Battery
People Building

New system is:
The Components are:Screen CPU Memory Camera Apps Battery Sensor
['Screen', 'CPU', 'Memory', 'Camera', 'Apps', 'Battery', 'Sensor']
Size is 7
The Environment Elements are:
['People', 'Internet', 'Satellites', 'Things']

The Generated Ideas are:

The ideas generated are kept in a file BVITSGenIdeas.txt
Ideas are appended to the file. So you can run many times and all ideas are kept
Enter the number of ideas wanted: 20
Intensify:Change and Intensify the value of CPU's parameters
Outsource:For NewPhone replace Apps by Internet
Irregularize: Create a dependency between Battery and Memory
Combine: Merge Screen and Camera
TakeOut:NewPhone without Sensor
Irregularize: Create a dependency between Battery and Camera
TakeOut:NewPhone without CPU
Adopt: Bring into NewPhone a function or attribute in Things
TakeOut:NewPhone without Memory
DropIn: Take in the practices from other industries, countries, living things or nature.
Divide:Segment NewPhone over phase change (Solid->Liquid->Gas)
Combine: Merge Memory and Apps
Outsource:For NewPhone replace CPU by Satellites
TakeOut:NewPhone without Sensor
Intensify:Change and Intensify the value of Camera's parameters
DropIn: Take in the practices from other industries, countries, living things or nature.
Adopt: Bring into NewPhone a function or attribute in People
Invert: Reverse the relationship between Screen and Sensor over force (gravity, mechanical, thermal, chemical, Sonar, ElectroMagnetic, AI)
Combine: Merge Sensor and Sensor
Invert: Reverse the relationship between Memory and CPU over Time (start,end,duration,pre/post-action, cycle, frequency) 
To continue (Y/N)?n 
Data has been appended to BVITSGenIdeas.txt
To sort the ideas (Y/N)?n
Duplicated ideas are removed and put in BVITSGenIdeasP.txt
That's all folk. Hope it helps
Hit <Enter> to exit program

Feeding the Absurd Ideas Back to Generative AI

We can take any of the generated ideas and feed it back to the Generative AI.
Take the following one --- Irregularize: Create a dependency between Battery and Memory.
Our initial response would be, "What's that? So silly."
But when we use it as a prompt to ChatGPT 4o model, we get a long list of suggested features ending with a prototype:

Conceptual Smartphone Example

Model Name: EcoSmart X1

Key Features:

  • Adaptive Power and Memory Management: Adjusts memory allocation and power usage dynamically based on battery levels.
  • Smart Application Control: Limits background processes and prioritizes essential apps when battery is low.
  • Energy-Efficient Memory: Incorporates LPDDR5 and non-volatile memory for reduced power consumption.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Provides real-time alerts and adjustments for optimal performance and power efficiency.
  • Machine Learning Optimization: Learns user behavior to predict and optimize resource allocation.

By integrating these features, the EcoSmart X1 ensures a balance between high performance and energy efficiency, providing users with a longer-lasting and more reliable smartphone experience.

Try another one:  Adopt: Bring into NewPhone a function or attribute in Internet

Integrating advanced internet-based features into a new smartphone can significantly enhance user experience and functionality. Here's a conceptual overview of a new smartphone with an innovative internet-dependent feature:

Conceptual Smartphone: ConnectSmart Z1

Key Feature: Smart Web Optimizer

Description: The Smart Web Optimizer is an intelligent feature designed to enhance browsing speed, data usage efficiency, and overall internet experience on the smartphone. It leverages AI, cloud computing, and advanced network protocols to optimize web content delivery based on user habits, network conditions, and battery levels.

Features and Functionalities:

  1. AI-Driven Content Caching:

    • Predictive Caching: Uses machine learning to predict and pre-load frequently accessed websites and web pages based on user habits. This ensures faster load times and a smoother browsing experience.
    • Local and Cloud Caching: Balances caching between local storage and cloud servers to optimize performance and storage usage.
  2. Dynamic Data Compression:

    • Adaptive Compression: Compresses web content dynamically based on the current network speed and battery level. Higher compression rates can be applied during slower network connections or when the battery is low to save data and power.
    • Content-Specific Compression: Applies different compression techniques for text, images, and videos to maintain a balance between quality and data efficiency.
  3. Enhanced Security and Privacy:

    • Encrypted Browsing: Ensures all web traffic is encrypted for secure browsing, protecting user data from potential threats.
    • Ad and Tracker Blocking: Includes built-in ad and tracker blocking to enhance privacy and reduce data usage.
  4. Seamless Connectivity Management:

    • Smart Network Switching: Automatically switches between Wi-Fi, LTE, and 5G based on signal strength and data needs, ensuring the best connection at all times.
    • Data Usage Monitoring: Provides real-time monitoring of data usage with detailed insights, allowing users to manage their data plans effectively.
  5. Battery and Performance Optimization:

    • Energy-Efficient Browsing: Reduces power consumption by optimizing the rendering process of web content, especially during low battery conditions.
    • Background Activity Management: Limits background data usage of apps when the battery is low or when on a limited data plan.


  • Software Integration: The Smart Web Optimizer can be integrated into the phone's operating system, working seamlessly with the default browser and other internet-dependent apps.
  • Cloud Services: Utilizes cloud computing for predictive caching and dynamic data compression, ensuring minimal impact on local device resources.
  • User Interface: Offers an intuitive interface within the settings menu, allowing users to customize their browsing experience, such as adjusting compression levels, managing cache storage, and setting data usage alerts.

Example Scenario:

A user frequently visits news websites in the morning. The Smart Web Optimizer predicts this behavior and pre-loads the latest news articles during off-peak hours or when the device is charging overnight. As the user opens their browser, the pages load instantly. When the user is on a limited data plan, the feature compresses images and videos to reduce data usage, ensuring they can access more content without exceeding their data limits. If the battery is low, the optimizer reduces background activity and switches to a less power-intensive network mode to save energy.

By incorporating the Smart Web Optimizer, the ConnectSmart Z1 ensures users enjoy a fast, efficient, and secure internet experience, tailored to their usage patterns and network conditions.

This ConnectSmartZ1 idea is a superset of Apple Intelligence: every new AI feature coming to the iPhone and Mac latest

Try another seemingly ridiculous one:

The new smartphone can be: Segment NewPhone over phase change (Solid->Liquid->Gas)


Segmenting the marketing campaign for the new smartphone, "NewPhone," over the phases of a phase change (solid -> liquid -> gas) can provide a creative and memorable way to highlight its features and lifecycle. Here’s how you can break it down:

Solid Phase: Stability and Durability

  • Tagline: "Solid as a rock."
  • Features to Highlight: Build quality, durability, long battery life, robust design, and reliability.
  • Marketing Focus:
    • Showcase the phone's resistance to drops, scratches, and everyday wear and tear.
    • Emphasize the long-lasting battery and the reliability of the hardware.
    • Customer testimonials focusing on durability and reliability in various environments.

Liquid Phase: Flexibility and Adaptability

  • Tagline: "Flows with you."
  • Features to Highlight: Versatile software, adaptive performance, seamless connectivity, and fluid user experience.
  • Marketing Focus:
    • Demonstrate how the software adapts to different user needs and preferences.
    • Highlight features like multitasking, seamless app integration, and smooth transitions between tasks.
    • Use scenarios showing how NewPhone fits into different lifestyles, from professional to personal use.

Gas Phase: Innovation and Expansion

  • Tagline: "Reaching new heights."
  • Features to Highlight: Cutting-edge technology, innovation, advanced camera features, and expansive capabilities.
  • Marketing Focus:
    • Showcase the latest innovations and advanced technology incorporated into the NewPhone.
    • Emphasize features like high-resolution cameras, AI capabilities, and future-proof technology.
    • Use aspirational imagery and narratives to position the NewPhone as a leader in innovation, showing it pushing the boundaries of what a smartphone can do.

Integrated Campaign Strategy

  • Visuals and Media:

    • Solid Phase: Strong, bold visuals with emphasis on strength and durability. Use imagery of rugged environments, showcasing the phone's build.
    • Liquid Phase: Smooth, flowing visuals that depict flexibility and ease of use. Show diverse use cases and environments, emphasizing adaptability.
    • Gas Phase: Airy, expansive visuals that symbolize freedom and limitless possibilities. Highlight futuristic elements and cutting-edge technology.
  • Promotional Events:

    • Launch events that transition through the phases, starting with a showcase of durability tests (solid), moving to live demos of software and user interface (liquid), and concluding with a reveal of innovative features and future updates (gas).
    • Social media campaigns that progressively unveil each phase, building anticipation and engagement over time.
  • Customer Engagement:

    • Encourage user-generated content by asking customers to share their experiences relating to each phase, using specific hashtags for each phase to create a sense of progression and community involvement.
    • Provide incentives for customers who participate in all three phases, such as exclusive access to new features or special discounts.


This segmented approach not only highlights different aspects of the NewPhone's capabilities but also creates a narrative that captures the product's journey from being a sturdy, reliable device to a flexible, user-friendly tool, and ultimately to a cutting-edge, innovative gadget. This phased marketing strategy can engage customers at different levels and keep them interested throughout the product lifecycle.

Endless Radical Ideas

By using the BVITS Idea generator with Generative AI, we can come up with endless innovations that could be made.

Lim Liat (c) 17 June 2024


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