13 February 2012

Jeremy Lin, Lessons and Reflections with Mind-Mapping

The best way to learn when we read any article is to reflect on it using a mind-mapping technique. Using the popular Forbes' article on "10 Lessons Jeremy Lin can teach us" as example, let me show you how.
Quite a number of people shared the following 10 Lessons Jeremy Lin Can Teach Us Before We Go To Work with me on FaceBook.

Those are excellent lessons. But 10 are just too many to remember. If we just read through, we also forget them quickly.

The best way to remember them is to reflect on them and re-organize them in some way. One way is to pick the top, or if not, the top 3 lessons. But how can pick the top if we don't go through all in some depth. So the best way of reflection and learning is to draw a mind-map.

I find quite a number of lessons are related. So I can group them together. I also think about related matter when going through the lessons, and so I added in my own thoughts.

Here is my first attempt:

I can beautify it and add more comments as I do the 2nd version.

The best way to reflect is to rephrase with my own words and even better is to give short titles. So here is the version 3. I keep the original lesson number for tractability. I could have simplify the whole map with my own shorter wording and it became a piece of work that I can remember.

So, you can leave with "Be your unique self", "Get Support", "Prepare to Seize the Opportunity", "Work Hard", "Find the Right Org that meet your Uniqueness", "Stay Humble & Grateful to Others" etc.

May be the word for you today is one of the purple box ..."You time will come, don't give up", "treat others like family", "it takes a team & the right culture".

The last step is to integrate these lessons into an existing map of "Secrets of Success". I have done just that with the famous quotes of Steve Jobs, Bill Gates etc.

See Mind Value: The Integrated Success Principles Version 6.
See also: Mind Value: Brain Storming with Mind Mapping - Illustrated with Future of Singapore for more mind-mapping techniques.

Hope you are convinced with the usefulness of mind-mapping as a tools for reflection, learning and accumulate of knowledge.

Lim Liat (c) 13 Feb 2012

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